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Thursday October 29, 2015


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  • Salón de Actos da Facultades de Formación de Profesorado de Lugo
  • Salón de Actos da Vicerrectorado de Coordinación Campus de Lugo

It is addressed to the students enrolled in the Galician Universities
Organized by Santiago de Compostela University and IV CICLO

Tuesday November 24, 2015
Start: 24/11/2015 12:00

The Institute of Social Services and the Elderly (Imserso) organises on Wednesday 4th of November the conference “Present and Future of the Dependence Law”.
The Conference, which is part of the Plan of Specialized Training 2015 of the Imserso, will deal with the current situation of the system for autonomy and care for dependant persons, the results of the measures adopted to improve it, as well as the previsions of its future evolution.

The Conference will be hold in the Central Services of the Imserso, Avenue of the Illustration c/v Ginzo of Limia 58, the attendance is free with provisional booking until seating capacity of the room is reached. The registration can be done by the web page of the Imserso.

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