Minutes of the meeting of the board of director of the Spanish national association of university programmes for older adults met on 23rd of May 2013 at 12:00h, on the room 2, ground floor, of the IMSERSO´s venue, Avenue de la Ilustración n/n 2829 from Madrid, with the following agenda.
- Reading and approval, if appropriate, of the previous session minutes.
- Report about the activities carried out since the last assembly held the day 22 of November of 2012 in Madrid, in the UNED´s venue.
b) Presidency
b) Secretariat
b) Treasury
3. Ratification and Admission of new partners
4. Report of the Work’s Commission
5. XIII National Meeting of University Programmes for Older Adults. University of Valencia, June 2013
6. Participation of AEPUM´s representatives on the V PUMA Meeting 2013, La Habana, Cuba.
7. Matters of procedure
8. Requests and Questions
In representation of the Universities
Mrs Concepción Bru, for the University of Alicante, as President
Mrs Carmen Palmero, for the University of Burgos, as Secretary
Mr Xavier Lorente, for the University Ramón Llull, as Treasurer
- Mr Fidel Molina, for the University of Lleida
- Mrs Cristina Civera, for the University of Valencia
- Mrs Mª. Isabel Miró Montoliu, for the University Rovira and Virgili
- Mr Jorge López Cubero, on representation of Nicolás Díaz de Lezcano, for the University Las Palmas of Gran Canaria
- Mr Salvador Cabedo, for the University Jaume I from Castellón
- Mrs Pilar García de la Torre, for the University of A Coruña
Assisting as technical personnel:
- Mrs Pili Escuder, for the University Jaume I from Castellón
The meeting begins at 12h, following the agenda
President Mrs Concepción Bru presides the session welcoming the assistants.
- Reading and approval, if necessary, of the previous session minutes’ (November 22 of 2012, Madrid, UNED)
It is agreed: To approve it unanimously
- Reports about the activities carried out since the last assembly
- Presidency – set out in the Annex
- Secretary – set out in the Annex
- Treasury – set out in the Annex
It is agreed:
- To congratulate the University of Alicante (UA) for the good and updated management in the maintenance of AEPUM´s website.
- To encourage all to take part in future meetings.
- To request to the persons in charge a link of AEPUM´s website to be included on every University´s website.
- To remember to the Universities which still have not uploaded their data that it is urgent that they do it, taking into account the great number of visits the website receives and thus the need of the data to appear updated.
- Ratification and Admission of New Partners
It is agreed: applications presented by Universities are admitted as long as they present the necessary documentation, in absence of being ratified by the Assembly.
- Report of the Work Commissions
Commission of national and international investigation
M ª Pilar García de la Torre reports that she does a follow-up of project call and request of international partners, of which the persons in charge are opportunely informed. She continues with the task of updating the projects of investigation that are done in the universities. However, the institutions often do not answer to the e-mails.
It is agreed: Concha will send an online application requesting the basic data of the investigations that are being carried out.
Commission of Prizes and distinctions:
The president, Concha Bru, asks Salvador Cabedo and Fidel Molina to elaborate a first draft with the bases of the Prize to the board, in order that after its approval she presents it to the Assembly for its definitive approval. Salvador Cabedo assumes the order.
It is agreed: that Salvador will send to this secretary an annex with the definitive draft that will be submitted to approval by the Assembly.
The form will be designed for the request.
5. National Meeting for Older Adults University Programmes. University of Valencia. June 2013.
Cristina Civera informs that the accommodation of the Meeting will be in a university residence. AEPUM will pay a night of accommodation and the organization will pay another one for all the participants of the meeting.
It is agreed: That the organizers update the website of the Meeting, unify criteria of the speakers and elaborate a PDF with the programme. To remove from the website the celebration of AEPUM's Assembly.
6. Participation of representatives from AEPUM on the V Meeting PUMA 2013, La Habana, Cuba.
Concha Bru informs about the precedents of the invitation of the V ENCUENTRO PUMA 2013 and of the invitation to Mexico to participate in the meeting about RIPUAM.
It is agreed: Isabel Miró, will assist in representation of AEPUM to Mexico and to La Habana, where she will have to manifest that our universities cannot be forced to take part on any network. It is a decision that must be taken by each university.
She will send a copy of the presented communication. She begs suggestions and proposals that should be considered to include might be sent to her.
7. Matters of procedure
At Mapfre's offer to collaborate in the financing seminar on prevention of risks including them on the programme of the OAUP´s academic activities, for which they rely on already the financing, and at the solicitude of the members of the board of the opportunity of them financing and investigation, it is requested to the members of the board that they present a project in which the necessary budget to carry it out is presented.
Xavier Lorente informs that the UDP has made another offer to Ramon Llull University with the purpose to carry out another investigation.
It is agreed:
- That Xavier Lorente sends a proposal of the project to the members of the board with the basic lines so it can be revised and suggestions could be sent. Concha Bru will send it to Mapfre when the board approves it. The Assembly will be informed.
- Concha Bru and Xavier Lorente will meet with the responsibles of UDP with the purpose to present their project in detail.
- Since one year more they will take part on the jury of Senda Prizes, when they have the documentation the board will be informed.
8. Requests and Questions.
The University of Castellon asks to spread the information of which they are going to carry out a virtual course in English and Spanish for those responsible, collaborators or researchers of programmes, on a model of evaluation of the impact of the programmes in the quality of life of the users. They have been working on the topic to a European level.
There not being any more matters to treat the session is adjourned, being 3:15 of the day of the date, of which as Secretary I give faith.