
XV STATE MEETING OF UNIVERSITY PROGRAMMES FOR OLDER ADULTS is going to be held in Santiago de Compostela on the days 12, 13 and 14 of June 2017.

Under the motto ``UNIVERSITY PROGRAMMES FOR OLDER ADULTS AS STRATEGIC ELEMENT ON THE LIFELONG EDUCATION´´, the XV AEPUM meeting will address three different fundamental thematic lines of work: a) Permanent education on the university field; b) internationalization and participation; and c) the social responsibility of the university programmes for older adults. We wish these research and work lines stimulate the interest on the production of fruitful contributions to the XV meeting through the presentation of communications and posters.

We are informed from the University of Santiago de Compostela that it is already available the preliminary website of the XV meeting, which you can consult on the following address: https://aepumxvencuentro.org

On the web site you can check the great lines of the programme, which will be completed, as well as everything that goes with the 2017 meeting, such as the enrolment terms and criteria for the presentation of communications, posters and the different cultural activities which have been foreseen.

On the design of the programme the three Galician Universities have participated, although the commissioned on the organization has been the compostelan university. In this respect, they are carrying out big efforts so the reception of the AEPUM representatives and all the assistants, teachers, students, administrative personnel of the UPOA and those interested in general can be as warm as possible.

We encourage you to travel to Santiago and count on you the days 12, 13 and 14 of June 2017 on the city of the Apostle, and we already thank you in advance, as well as we thank the Galician Universities and the organization of the XV meeting all the work carried out during this short period of time.

Logo santiago
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