- University of A Coruña
- University of Alicante
- University of Almería
- Autonomous University of Barcelona
- University of Burgos
- University of Cantabria
- University Carlos III of Madrid
- University of Castilla La Mancha
- Catholic University of Ávila
- University of Extremadura
- University of Girona
- University of Huelva
- University Jaume I of Castellón
- University of La Rioja
- University of Lleida
- University of Málaga
- University of Murcia
- University of Valencia
- Pontific University of Salamanca
- University Rovira and Virgili of Tarragona
- University of Salamanca
- University of Santiago de Compostela
- University of Illes Balears
- University of Valladolid
- University of Vigo
- University of Deusto
- Polytechnic University of Valencia
Justified their absence
- University of La Laguna
- University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- University of León
- University of Seville
- University Miguel Hernández of Elche
Assisting as guests
- University of Alicante, Inmaculada Belmonte Labado
- Autonomous University of Barcelona, Sergi Arenas Guarch
- University of Valladolid, Mª Mercedes Rodríguez Pequeño
- University Senior of A Coruña, Francisco Ascón Belver
- University of Salamanca, Sara Serrate González
- University of Cantabria, Concepción Linaza López
- Pontific University of Salamanca, Mª Teresa Ramos Bernal
- University Jaume I of Castellón, Pili Escuder Mollón
The Meeting begins with the President welcoming the assistants and congratulating publicly the treasurer Mª Pilar García de la Torre for her recent naming as Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Internationalization and Cooperation in the University of A Coruña. She also thanks the organizers of the University of Burgos the work done in the organization of the VII Meeting and the warm reception.
Following, the Secretary transmits the affectionate greeting sent for all the assistants on behalf of D. Jose Arnay, from the University of La Laguna, regreting that academic obligations prevent him from moving to Burgos. And it is proceeded to develop the agenda.
- Reading and approval, if proceeds, of the agenda of the previous meeting held in The Andalusian School of Public Health of the University of Granada the 27th May 2015.
It is agreed: To approve it unanimously.
- Reports about the activities carried out since the last Meeting
- Presidency: It is contained the complete final report at the end of the agenda as Annex 1
- Secretariat: It is contained at the end of the agenda as Annex 2
- Treasury: It is contained at the end of the agenda as Annex 3
Although Mª Pilar García de la Torre was named as treasurer on the Meeting celebrated on Granada the steps of the process in ``La Caixa´´ for the authorization of signature and the access to the account of new treasurer, they have got longer in time, what has prevented her from being able to realize the tasks derived from the charge, performing the mentioned tasks from the Presidency, which justifies that she is the one to sign the Treasury Report.
The President delivers during the Meeting a copy of the economic report to every one of the partners for the period 27-05-2015 al 11-01-2016. It is informed to all the presents that at the end of January the new bills will be issued corresponding to the quota partners AEPUM 2016 and that these will be sent on the part of the new treasurer from the University of A Coruña, nevertheless a new specific email has been created for the AEPUM treasury and from the same one they will also send them through email. From the same one all the consultations relative to invoices / quotas AEPUM will be managed.
The email is: tesoreria@aepumayores.org
The new treasurer Mª Pilar García de la Torre informs also of her participation, representing AEPUM, on the VI Iberoamerican Meeting of University Programmes for Older Adults- It is contained at the end of the agenda as Annex 4.
- New responsible partners for programmes and representatives named for AEPUM
University of Lleida:
- Naming: Carles E. Florensa Tomàs
- Ceasing: Fidel Molina Luque
- Naming: Mª Carmen García Garnica
- Ceasing: Concha Argente (retirement) and occupied the charge of Director the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Lola Ferre Cano (unnamed), to the AEPUM meeting in Granada she assisted with the authorization of the Vice Director Juan Carlos Maroto.
- Naming: Antonio Codina Sánchez
- Ceasing: Francesc Clavo Ortega
Jaume I (Castellón)
- Naming: Elsa González Esteban
- Ceasing: Salvador Cabedo Manuel
Rovira and Virgili (Tarragona)
- Naming: Anna Isabel Serra Masdeu
- Ceasing: Mª Isabel Miró Montoliu
- Naming: Yolanda Lázaro Fernández
- Ceasing: Cristina Ortega
We thank the labour of the responsibles and representatives who cease and welcome those who incorporate.
- Request for the incorporation of new members
The University Pablo Olávide of Seville presented to the Secretariat the required documentation to request its incorporation as a member of AEPUM, which was accepted by the Governing Board.
Invited to assist to this meeting, without voice or vote, excused its absence thanking the invitation.
It sent by email a file with documentation relative to the ``Aula´´. Issuing for more information to consult the web of the ``aula´´ in the University.
To accept the request and to ratify the University Pablo Olávide as partner of the AEPUM, which will be officially communicated from this Secretariat, as well as of the commitments and obligations it acquires.
- Failure of the Jury from the AEPUM Prize 2015 and New Call 2016
The day 11 December 2015 at 12:30h the jury to fail the AEPUM Prize 2015 was reunited on the room 13, Seminar 3101 of the Central Building of the Education Faculty of the Complutense University of Madrid, St Rector Royo Vilanova n/n in Madrid.
It was formed by:
President: Mrs Concepción Bru Ronda, from the U. of Alicante, who draw up a record of the meeting.
Vocal: Mrs Mª Pilar García de la Torre, of the U. of A Coruña
Vocal: Mr Andrés Ajo Lázaro, by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport
Vocal: Mrs Yolanda Lázaro Fernández, of de U. of Deusto
The jury, after the corresponding deliberations, decided unanimously to concede the Prize to the research work presented by Sonia Aguilar Gavira and Julio Barroso Osuna, of the University of Seville, under the title: ``Las personas mayores en las redes sociales´´.
Likewise, they decide to raise some offers, amongst which it is contained to provide it with an economic incentive of 1000 Euros, to the General Assembly, with views to improve the diffusion and prestige of the Prize, which if agreed will be contained on the rules for the call 2016.
The Presidency informed to the Assembly of the short number of researchers who had presented to the prize, substantially lower than that of previous calls, starting an open debate about whether or not any change on the Prize system should be introduced with the purpose to stimulate the participation and of which they might be these changes.
Agreement: to make voting: on the first one it was decided to change the existent system and on the second, of the different options, it was elected that of incorporating an economic endowment of 1000 Euros for the call 2016.
Votes in favour: 19
Votes against: 5
Abstentions: 2
At the moment of the voting only 26 universities were in the Assembly hall since Mª Pilar García of La Coruña had to stay away.
On the call it will be indicated that the award winner will be invited to present it on the following AEPUM Meeting or Seminar, but it will be eliminated from the text that the expenses originated by such partition will be covered. The award winner will promise to spread in all the presentations that he does of the work - presentations, communications, posters, books, articles of magazine … - the name of the entity that has awarded the prize.
It will also be eliminated of the call the need for the presented work to be unpublished, it being able to be published on the year of the call or on the previous one.
- Matters of procedure
*To thank the work carried out by Mr Salvador Cabedo, of the University Jaume I, in favour of the development of the OAUPs and as vocal of the Governing Board of AEPUM.
*That it is contained on the agenda the naming on the part of the Presidency to Mrs Carmen Palmero, University of Burgos, as secretary, on her second mandate, labour which is carried out from the Extraordinary Assembly, held in Deusto on December 2015, in which the partners voted favourably her candidature to take part on the Governing Board of AEPUM, as it is contained on the corresponding agenda.
*According to the Regulation of Internal Regime of the AEPUM, Art 5.4 and due to the changes produced on the representatives which on their time received the favourable vote to his candidature as vocals on the part of the Assembly, it is agreed on the part of the assembly to consider vacancies the committees that were occupied by the universities of Lleida, Jaume I, Rovira and Virgili and University of Valencia. In response to this situation it will be proceeded to request that all the partners interested on taking part on the board are postulated, presenting to this secretariat the written support of their university, in order to proceed to the voting and on the part of the partners constituted on a new Assembly to call in 2016.
In the meantime, the Governing Board will keep on working with the following members:
President- Concepción Bru. U. Alicante
Secretariat.- Carmen Palmero. U. Burgos
Treasuty.- Mª Pilar García de la Torre. U. A Coruña
Vocal:- Florentino Blázquez Entonado. U. Extremadura
Vocal - Nicolás Díaz de Lezcano. U. Palmas de Gran Canaria
And of equal way and in agreement to the article 8.1 and 8.2 of the Regulation it will be able to be constituted commissions or workgroups that help to the tasks of the in force Governing Board.
- Requests and Questions
To open a term until the 31 of January with the purpose that all the interested partners, the above mentioned universities included, that send to this secretariat, with a copy to the Presidency, the corresponding proposals, indicating on the draft celebration dates and as much information they consider.
*The presidency requests that the partners send information of the activities, courses, organization of events to give them the most publicity possible uploading it on the web of AEPUM and uploading it to the EPALE platform, which will help to gain more visibility.
*The presidency of the University of Granada requests to accelerate, as much as possible, the publication of the agendas of the last meeting held on 2015.
*The University of Extremadura asks if the good practices presented on the VII Meeting held on the UBU could be uploaded to the AEPUM website.
Agreement: To request the universities that sent their B.P. that they inform about the authorship of the same ones in order to proceed to publish them and upload them to the AEPUM repository.
Either way, it is announced to the partners that the works and presentations presented to the VII AEPUM Working Meeting of on Burgos will be available to the partners in a few days, which will be informed through an AEPUM´s newsletter.
There not being any more matters to deal with the session is adjourned at 21:00h, of which as a Secretary I give faith with the approval of the president.