XIV Meeting of the Board of Directors - Lleida




Reading and approval, if appropriate, of the previous session minutes

Assembly preparation

Reports of:

The President


Made Activities

Partner applications

Debate of the draft of Internal Regulations. Suggestions until the 31st of October 2007.

Research and development of the convention with the IMSERSO

Questions and answers


Attendance list

Alicante, Ms Concepción Bru Ronda

Girona, Mr Josep Torrellas Vendrell

Granada, Ms Concepción Argente del Castillo Ocaña

Pontifical of Salamanca, Ms Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez

Santiago, Mr Antonio Rodríguez Martínez

Murcia, Mr Manuel Hernández Pedreño

Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona), Mr Josep M. Sabaté Bosch

Lleida, Ms Neus Vila Rubio

Excused their attendance

Complutense de Madrid, Mr Marcos Roca Sierra

Otras personas invitadas

Pontificia de Salamanca,Ms Mª Teresa Ramos Bernal


Hold in the AC Hotel in Lleida, the 26th of May 2010, at 22.15 hours.

Before starting the meeting the Board of Directors gives its condolences to:

Neus Vila for the recent passing of her father.

The University of Granada represented by Concha Argente, for the passing of Mr Miguel Guirao, creator of the Programme of the Permanent Classroom of Open Training and Promoter of the Encounters.

Antonio Rodríguez, for the recent passing of his father.

 1. Reading and approval of the previous session Minutes.

The session begins with the modification of the previous session minutes, corresponding to the 21st of November 2009 hold in El Escorial, corresponding to the point 4.1 Attendance to the III Ibero-American Congress:

Concha Bru presents a brief summary of her participation in the III Ibero-American Congress that was hold from the 5th to the 7th of August 2009 in Costa Rica.

More than 400 persons participated; there was participation of almost all the Ibero-American countries; teachers of the Spanish universities Jaume I, Santiago, Castilla-La Mancha, Autonomous of Madrid and the Polytechnic of Cartagena, in addition to Concha Bru, by the University of Alicante, that was in representation of the AEPUM, participated.

Programmes of social action were presented mainly. She establishes that there are practically no university programmes for older adults nor research programmes that follow the same structure that the ones in the Spanish university.

It is approved with the modification (in bold letters)


2. Preparation of the Assembly

2.1. Report of the President of AEPUM

Mr President will inform about the various actions made:

a) Antonio Rodríguez summarises that the Ministry of Science and Innovation invited AEPUM to become part of the Committee of Continuous Training and, since April 2009, it has been making periodical meetings.  

The Committee has almost finished with the production of the draft of a Royal Decree in which it will appear that the Private Certificates are going to have a certain level of official recognition, assessed by the ANECA, registered in the RUCT, other titles will be able to be assessed by the Agencies in the Autonomous Communities that allow more flexibility. As he could not attend to the last meeting nor to the one hold in this same date of the meeting, he is not informed of how the proposals he presented in a report in which there were included “other programmes that would be regulated at the right time” have been gathered up.

b) El Escorial: Debate about the National Plan, Lifelong learning, (20th, 21st and 22nd of November 2009), organized from the General Direction of Professional Education (Ministry of Education). 8 persons out of 7 universities belonging to AEPUM participated.

c)  Cordoba, 21st-23rd of April 2010: Coordination of resources for the Learning of life in the European countries. Concha Bru attended. She claims that it is necessary to participate and assist to these type of events because actions are being proposed and resources are being generated for European projects and innovation. They convene NGOs, Popular Universities, etc. that make Non Formal Education and the Universities do not know us. In this Conference she knew José Mario Rodríguez Alvariño, General Deputy Director of Lifelong Learning (Ministry of Education), invited to participate in this XI Meeting.

2.1. Report of the Treasurer

Manuel Hernández hands an economic report in which it is detailed the money the Association has up to date (more than 16,000 €). He indicates that there are 5 universities that have not paid the dues of 2009 and one that has not paid the dues of 2005. He informs that he has left the send of 2010 dues pending so that the new Board of Directors can decide if it will continue with the same fee and the new treasurer will send directly the order of payment to each university.

It is informed too that it will be explained the point 7 of the last ordinary Assembly, hold in Alicante the 27th of June 2009, about other topics of interest: paid from AEPUM the accommodation of one night per spokesperson of partner university of AEPUM that attends to the annual ordinary Assembly. It is approved by unanimity. This founding refers only to those annual Assemblies that do not coincide with a Meeting, Seminar or other Event in which the universities that form AEPUM participate.

3. Partner application ratification and Admission of New Partners

Mª Adoración Holgado informs that it is necessary to ratify the incorporation to AEPUM of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University of Cadiz that requested for it and that the Director Board hold in El Escorial approved.

Furthermore, the Universities of A Coruña and UNED have presented the paperwork and ask to be part of AEPUM. It is approved.

As a consequence they will be four universities that will be presented in the Assembly to be incorporated to AEPUM.

4. Report of the Committees:

Committee of Educative Innovation

Adoración Holgado informs that the sheet of innovative actions, that Neus Vila and she made, will be send to the partners of AEPUM asking them to fill it up how many innovative activities they have carried out or have developed and send them to Neus Vila e-mail.

Moreover she informs that she will ask for the information to Florentino Blázquez, organiser of the Seminar of Good Practises about the publication of the projects developed during this mentioned Seminar that will include a list of sheets of good practises.

Creation of a journal of the Association:

Josep Torrellas, responsible of this committee, together with Pedro Cano, U. Granada, informs us that Pedro will present a draft on the journal: type, structure, content, length,.... that will be pass in the Assembly, as well as the budget and moment of appearance of the number 1 of this mentioned journal.

Communication, diffusion and social projection:

Concha Bru informs that before December ends she will present to the Director's Board an explanatory flyer about AEPUM; universities that form part of it, admission to the Association and number of students.

Monitoring and actualization of Programmes:

Concha Bru informs that between November and May only 10 universities have filled up the basic sheet of actualization of data.

Antonio López, collaborator technical assistant of the UA, has analysed the possible difficulties to fill it up. It is proposed to insist to the members of AEPUM to fill up the sheet because the collection of data will be a good tool of training and actualization of the university programmes for older adults.

5. Proposal of Organization of the IV Congress Ibero-American, XII National Meeting and Seminar for the year 2011

Antonio Rodríguez will inform that last December an informative letter was send to the members of AEPUM explaining that the FIMTE (Ibero-American web of Educational University Experiences with Older Adults) invited AEPUM to the III Ibero-American Congress, “Universities for All Ages” that was held from the 5th to the 7th of August of 2009 in Costa Rica, to participate in the meeting they held. Concha Bru attended in her institution name, due to the fact that because of working reasons she was in Central America on these same dates. In this mentioned Congress two topics were addressed:

-          to resume the proposal of constitution and development of the Ibero-American Web of Universities for Older Adults and

-          proposal of the next venue of the IV Ibero-American Congress.

Concha Bru exposed that Mexico presented a candidacy for organising the IV Congress but because of various reasons FIMTE showed interest in that the IV Ibero-American Congress of Universities for Older Adults will be held in Spain.

Concha Bru promised to translate the petition to the Director's Board of AEPUM, that she carried out by making a report to the Board of Directors and at the same time actions were agreed to sound out the possibility of that the International University Menéndez Pelayo will organised this mentioned Congress and once that the Vice-chancellor of this mentioned university, Salvador Ordóñez, had stated in several occasions the interest of this institution for developing an event of international nature with the AEPUM. Concha Bru reunited with the dean of the UIMP and he confirmed his interest on the idea and asked AEPUM to make him a proposal.

From the presidency of AEPUM, Antonio Rodríguez sent an informative letter to the members of AEPUM in which he asked for the support for this proposal in the Board of Directors.

In addition to the members of the Board of Directors, other five universities approved it.

Concha Bru summarises the two meetings she had with Salvador Ordoñez, Vice-chancellor of the UIMP,   and that the final proposal to present to the Assembly will be: dates of the IV International Congress from the 27th to the 30th of June 2011 and the place will be the venue of Alfaz del Pí  (Extension of the Regional Venue in Valencia) of the International University Menéndez Pelayo.

Adoración Holgado claims to propose to the Assembly that due to that the IV Ibero-American Congress is going to be hold, the XII National Meeting could be hold at the same time, as it was made in Seville, and that the Seminar will be postponed to the year 2012. 

6. Elections according to the established in the articles 19 and 20 of the Statutes.

Antonio Rodríguez informs that according to the Statutes the positions of President and part of the Board of Directors should be renewed:

- University Rovira y Virgili, University de Murcia, Pontifical University of Salamanca and University of Alicante, due to that it comes out of the Board to present itself to the position of President.

Adoración Holgado informs that so far the applications have been received with the express support of each University for:

-          President: Concepción Bru Ronda, University of Alicante

-     member of the Board of Directors:

                  Carmen Palmero Cámara, Universidad de Burgos, for the first time.

                  Xavier Lorente Guerrero, Universidad Ramón Llull, for the first time.

                  Pilar García de la Torre, Universidad de A Coruña, for the first time.

                  Salvador Cabedo Manuel, Universidad Jaume I. Castellón, for the first time.

This proposal, that covers the necessary positions, will be presented to the Assembly for its approval.


The session is closed at 23.51 hours.