


  1. University of Alicante
  2. University of A Coruña
  3. Autonomous University of Barcelona
  4. University of Burgos
  5. University of Cantabria
  6. University Carlos III of Madrid
  7. University of Deusto
  8. University of Extremadura
  9. University of Girona
  10. University of Granada
  11. University of Huelva
  12. University of Les Illes Balears
  13. University Jaume I of Castellón
  14. University of La Laguna
  15. University of La Rioja
  16. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  17. University of Lleida
  18. University of Málaga
  19. University of Murcia
  20. Polytechnic University of Valencia
  21. Pontific University of Salamanca
  22. University Rovira and Virgili
  23. University of Salamanca
  24. University of Santiago
  25. University of Seville
  26. University of Valencia
  27. University of Valladolid
  28. University of Vigo


Justified their Absence

  1. Autonomous University of Madrid
  2. University Ramón Llull of Barcelona
  3. Complutense University of Madrid
  4. Catholic University of Ávila


  1. University of A Coruña, Francisco Ascón
  2. University of Valencia, Ramón López Martín
  3. Autonomous University of Barcelona, Mª Dalmases Arnella
  4. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  5. University of Les Illes Balears, Liberto Macías
  6. University of Valladolid, Mercedes Rodríguez Pequeño
  7. University of Castilla La Mancha, Raquel Cervijón Abad

The President begins the Meeting welcoming the assistants to the University of Granada and thanks the organizers the reception.

Following, the Secretary proceeds to develop the agenda


  1. Reading and approval, if proceeds, of the minutes – ordinary and extraordinary- of the previous sessions held respectively in Castellón July 2014 and Deusto December 2014.

It is agreed: To approve them unanimously


  1. Reports about the activities carried out since the last extraordinary Meeting held in the University of Deusto, the 11th of December 2014.


2.1. – Presidency - The complete report is contained at the end of the report as Annex

Once the report is done, takes the floor D. Ramón López Martín, Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University of Valencia, to thank publicly the samples of recognition and fondness received towards the partner Cristina Civera, responsible for the Programme of ``La Nau Gran´´, sadly deceased, - assistance to the burial, to the act of honoring and through e-mails on the part of AEPUM, and on the rest of the partner universities.


2.2. Secretariat. – Contained at the end of the report as Annex


2.3. Treasury. – Contained at the end of the report as Annex


Since the leave of the representative of the University of Ramón Llull, who occupied the treasury of AEPUM, it has been taken charge of the same the President and the Secretariat, and with the incorporation to the charge of the University of A Coruña it is going to proceed to request to ``La Caixa´´ the opportune process of authorization of signature and access to the account on the part of Mª Pilar García de La Torre.

It is delivered during the Meeting a copy of the economic report to all the partners for the period 02-07-2014 al 27-07-2015 and to the Secretariat and the Treasury the detailed report of the movements of the CC of AEPUM and during the mentioned period, as well as the condition removed and detailed of the payment of quotas on the part of the partner universities. It is indicated to the presents that it is also at their disposal.

3. New responsible members for programmes and representatives named for AEPUM

University of Murcia

  • Naming: Mª Mar Albero Muñoz
  • Ceases: Asunción Hidalgo Montesinos


  • Naming: José Juan Aguilar Gavilán
  • Ceases: Mª José Porro Mayoral

Nau Gran University of Valencia

  • Naming: Amparo Pérez
  • Ceases: Cristina Civera (by decease in Novemeber 2014)

Autonomous of Barcelona

  • Naming: María Dalmases Arnella (lacks of naming)
  • Ceasing: Josep María Tarjet (retirement)

University of Granada:

  • Naming: no naming. The position is occupied by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Lola Ferre Cano.
  • Ceasing: Concha Argente del Castillo (retirement)

University of Santiago

  • Naming: Mª Esther Olveira Olveira
  • Ceasing: Maximino Quintas
  • Representative in AEPUM: continues Antonio Rodríguez Martínez

University of Huelva

  • Naming: Susana Menéndez Álvarez-Dardet
  • Ceasing: Elena López Barba


We thank the labour of the directors and representatives who have ceased and we welcome those who are incorporating.

4. Report of the Working Commisions:

4.1. Commission of Evaluation and of Institutionalization and recognition of the OAUPs.

Contained on the point 11 of the Presidency report, so said commission is formed by 7 members. It will be soon delivered the proposal and report of the framework paper and implementation or offers of improvement will be asked to the partners. On the point 11 of the presidency report it is contained the chronogram of action (period of focused tasks in order that in 2016 it starts working to level of autonomous communities, councils of universities, Vice-Chancellors’ councils, etc.) as well as the model of survey of quality in version pdf, as well as online with the purpose it can be used by the partners who want to apply it.

4.2. Following and updating of the data of the Programmes: Repository AEPUMbase

It was requested in February-March, filling data on the data base AEPUM on the part of every programme. This task has not been fulfilled yet and it is requested to introduce the data, or at least, to send the minimum data: number of teachers, number of students, basic data of projects, etc., with the purpose to draw attention to the maximum to our programmes. The detail is contained on the presidency report.

4.3. Internationalization, participation in European programmes, EPALE platform.

It is contained on the presidency report. It is requested to send to the Presidency all that information that wants to be disclosed to a European level of every programme in every university and with the purpose they can upload it to EPALE in every EU language.

5. Prize of Reseache AEPUM – 2nd Edition

The term of presentation of works was extended until the 15th of June. However, the works presented to the meeting until now are still scarce.

Agreement: If the number of participations were risen to 5, it is proposed to contact with D. Federico Mayor Zaragoza, to invite him to take part on the jury of the Prize, either way it is recalled from the University of A Coruña the possibility to involve representatives of the education ministry or of the SGALV. It is a question of incorporating persons of scientific and social relevancy to give the major visibility to the Prize.

Moreover, the partner universities of AEPUM, can postulate to take part on so said Jury, and in case of not being like this, the Governing Board will resolve.

On this same moment they offer to take part of so said Jury the Universities of Deusto, Illes Balears, Lleida, who incorporate themselves to the Universities of Alicante (Presidency) and of Burgos (Secretariat). Once the period is closed it will proceed to start the steps of evaluation of the works and chronogram for the process of notification of failure of the juror in order to be able to announce the same one before the celebration of the next AEPUM Working Seminar.

6. Participation of the AEPUM on the VI Iberoamerican Meeting of University Programms for Older Adults RIPUAM 2015, which will be held on the University Estadual of Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil, from the 14 to the 17 of July 2015.

To the above mentioned Meeting the president of AEPUM was invited, who delegated in other members of the Governing Board the assistance to the mentioned event. In representation of AEPUM will assist the University of A Coruña which will carry out a presentation of programmes in Spain and of the tasks and actions of the university partners of AEPUM (Document of Recognition and Evaluation, Investigations of the Use of the ICTs in the OAUPs and they will take flyers and statistical information to themselves for its dissemination in situ.)

Agreement: Although also the University of Valladolid will come to the Congress, it is delegated in the University of A Coruña to represent AEPUM and to take part with voice and vote in RIPUAM's assembly where an advance is tried to give again to this Network of Latin-American Universities that are employed at educational actions and university programmes for older adults.

7. Proposals for the organization of the next Working Seminar in the University of Burgos, October 2015.

Agreement: As it was indicated on the meeting of the Governing Board on the Complutense University on March 2014, the Working Seminar to be celebrated in Burgos, will address the deep study of the partial results obtained on the Satisfaction Survey and the steps to follow, with a view to the recognition of the OAUPs.

The Seminar will be held on the second fortnight of October, preferably on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, or  Monday or Tuesday.

8. Matters of procedure


To thank the work carried out by Concha Argente on her work as vocal of the Governing Board of AEPUM, of which she has taken part for eight years as vocal and above all for her active participation on the same since the sentence ``constituting´´ of the same on the year 2000. It is agreed to carry out this recognition on the part of the AEPUM.

*The University of Les Illes Balears delivers the assistants an information leaflet of the International Course that will be organized for September.

* The Permanent University of The University of Alicante (UPUA) informs of the International Conference of AIUTA which is going to be held in Alicante the days 11 and 12 of next June and that will reunite more than 75 representatives of 20 countries of the universities of the third age of every continent. The theme of this international conference: ``U3A´s, Citzenship and Social Cohesion” emphasizes one of the priorities of the ``U3A´´ in the XXI century, concretely: the need to deepen on the lifelong learning and along the life and to influence on the education for older adults as a key objective in the reduction of the poverty and the social exclusion between the segment of population of more age – just in case someone of the assistants considers opportunely to help and to seize the opportunity to establish contacts worldwide.

9. Requests and Questions

The representative of the University of Murcia, Antonio Martínez Faura, to congratulate the Governing Board for the good economic management carried out. This management has allowed AEPUM to have an account sufficiently select, as it is contained on the economic report presented, above the acquired commitments, for such reason he brought to the assembly the possibility of studying actions or projects with the purpose that the Association collaborates through grants, prizes or helps with a part of the funds, reserving another for other possible contingencies.

Given the the scanty participation of investigations to choose to the second edition of the Prize AEPUM it is opened a shift of interventions with some offers: to insist on a bigger dissemination between the same partner universities – Faculties and Departments; change the data of the call to give more option to that Final Works of Master can be presented -. With the same sense of promoting the investigation and given the economic select situation AEPUM has at the moment, fruit of a control of the very strict expense, as Concepción Bru points out, proposes to study the possibility to promote the combined participation of AEPUM in calls and national and international research programmes, which would rise the work carried out from Alicante. In this respect she raises the possibility of being able to have an item that allows to rely on the services of support of an investigator or technician that should deal with this one and with other tasks, as for example everything related to the steps of the report of recognition and evaluation.

The University of La Laguna certifies the letter of congratulation to the Board of directors for all the realized work and requests that it is contemplated the need to determine the instances and institutions which will have contact with a view to the Accreditation of the Programmes, contemplating the possibility of that if the Spanish were not sensitive one might come to European Organisms.

In this respect the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Gran Canaria indicates that the Accreditation would be easier if the students had the same rights recognized than the rest of the students, for it there would be necessary to incorporate them, bearing the statute of the student in mind, which would turn out to be not very complicated.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Valencia points out everything that has been advanced in this respect, but he warns that it is necessary to continue doing it, both in the CRUE and in the ANECA, for what offers his support and contacts in ANECA...

Girona offers his help, given his experience on the management for the accreditation of titles, and insists on the need of counting with the support of the Vice-Chancellor in every university.


To request the persons in charge of the Programmes to send to the University of Alicante the information updated of the course, given the importance to offer from the web the most reliable data possible to those consulting.

To facilitate the task of contributing information, for what one will try to recover those which do not change of previous courses and so it is only necessary to introduce the new ones – number of students, of professors, subjects, etc. –

To wait to analyze the questionnaires received by if it proceeds to do some modification in the same one before proceeding to send it to the rest of universities. It is requested that some university joins to this process of application in the phase of pilotage, to what the University of La Laguna accepts.

There not being any more matters to deal with the session is adjourned at 21:00h, of which as a Secretary I give faith with the approval of the president.