XII Meeting of the State Association of the University Programmes for Older Adults - Valencia
- Reading and approval, if applicable, of the previous session Act.
- Reports about the activities carried out since the last Meeting, celebrated in Madrid on 22nd November 2012
2.1.- Presidency
2.2.- Secretarat
2.3.- Treasury
3. Ratification and Admission of new partners.
4. Report about Work Commissions .
5. Proposal of creation of annual Awards or Academic Distinctions to the best research works accomplished about topics regarding the objectives and interests developed from the AEPUM.
6. XIII National Meeting of University Programmes for Older Adults. University of Valencia, June 2013.
7. Participation of the AEPUM representative in the V PUMA Meeting 2013, La Habana (Cuba).
8. Management issues.
9. Motions and queries.
Representatives attending
- University of Alicante
- Autonomic University of Barcelona
- University of Burgos
- University of Castilla La Mancha
- University of Girona
- University of Granada
- University Jaime I of Castellón
- University of La Laguna
- University of La Rioja
- University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria
- University of Murcia
- University of Valencia Nau Gran
- Pontifical University of Salamanca
- University Ramón LLull of Barcelona
- University Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona
- University of Salamanca
- University of Santiago
- University of Sevilla
- University of les Illes Balears
- University of Valladolid
- University of Vigo
- University of Deusto
- University Miguel Hernández
- Polytechnic University of Valencia
Members that excused their absence
- Public University of Navarra
- University of A. Coruña
Attending as invited members
1. University of Burgos, M. Isabel Luis Rico
2. University of Burgos, Tamara de la Torre Cruz
3. Autonomic University of Barcelona, Sergi Arenas Guarch and Josep Maria Tatjer.
4. University of Castilla La Mancha, Juan Antonio Mondejar Jiménez
5. University of Valladolid, Carmen Serrano Vázquez
6.- University Jaime I de Castellón, Pili Escuder Morón
7.- University of Deusto, Isabel Rubio Florido
8.- University Miguel Hernández, Esther Fuentes Marhuenda and Beatriz Bonete
The session is presided by Mrs President, Concepción Bru Ronda, who welcomes the attendees and thanks Cristina Civera for the arrangement of the XIII Meeting. Next, she gives way to the AGENDA.
1. Reading and approval, if applicable, of the previous session Act.
Agreement: Unanimously approved.
2. Reports about the activities carried out since the last Meeting, celebrated in Alicante on 28th June 2011
2.1.- Presidency–appearing in the annex-
2.2.- Secretariat- appearing in the annex-
2.3.- Treasury- appearing in the annex-
3.- Ratification and Admission of new partners.
No requests of admission have been presented; only information has been requested by universities.
4.- Report about Work Commissions
Concha Bru – University of Alicante- delivers a summary about the great visibility and usage of the AEPUM web, inside as well as outside Spain, showing the importance of keeping the data from each university updated.
Pilar García –University of A Coruña- does not attend the Meeting, but Concha Bru informs about her work carried out to look for and localise international calls about which the partners have been informed. She also insists on the need of informing the University of A Coruña, when it is required, about the research projects in which every Programme takes part in, so that the web is in this sense updated.
* To send the partners via e-mail from the U. Alicante the complete dossier about the study and monitoring accomplished on the usage and visibility of the web.
* Partners acquire the tacit commitment of sending their updated data to the AEPUM.
5. Proposal of creation of annual Awards or Academic Distinctions to the best research works accomplished about topics regarding the objectives and interests developed from the AEPUM.
The task of elaborating a document was assigned to the University of Lleida and the University Jaume I. It was finally assumed by the University Jaume I, which brought a first draft to the meeting that the Management Board celebrated in Madrid. After incorporating the suggestions contributed there, they elaborated a second draft to be debated in the Meeting.
A turn of information and debate about some points is open.
Agreement: Presidency and Secretarat will incorporate the suggestions and will send the draft via e-mail to the partners, who, within the term of A WEEK, will send back suggestions and proposals. After their study, they will proceed to incorporate them, if applicable, and the Award Bases will be approved by the Permanent Commission.
6. XIII National Meeting of University Programmes for Older Adults. University of Valencia, June 2013.
Cristina Civera informs about the economic issues the Congress arrangement has been through. The Programme has turned out to be intense, and it has developed around three working axes, although the number of attendees and Communications presented has diminished in comparison to what was planned.
Despite everything, she manifests her satisfaction for having arranged the Meeting.
7.- Participation of the AEPUM representative in the V PUMA Meeting 2013, La Habana (Cuba)
Concha Bru informs about issues regarding the celebration of the Meeting, and about the fact that Isabel Miró –University Rovira i Virgili-, who will attend the previous meeting set in Mexico, will be also representing the AEPUM. Besides, Concha Bru names the other universities that intend to attend the Meeting in La Habana: Illes Baleares, Castilla La Mancha, Extremadura and Valladolid.
8. Management issues.
* Concha Bru reports the offer made by Matilde Pelegrí, General Manager of the Group ‘Communication Path’, about the Mapfre campaign ‘With Greater Care’ she is going to manage and that they would like to develop within the PUMs frame, applying thus for our collaboration. For that reason, they inform about the managements accomplished in relation to it, and about the proposals carried out from the AEPUM with that purpose, being now waiting for an answer on the part of Mapfre.
*Xavier Lorente informs about the proposal received from the UDP and financed by Vodafone to take part in the ‘Time Detectives’ Project. He states that other universities have received the same offer and have already accepted to participate.
Various options have been considered about the most adequate manner of acting when receiving this kind of offers, and the issue is analysed, leading to the following agreement.
Agreement: When each university receives an invitation to participate in any initiative or project of broad projection, and it may be of interest to other programmes, the AEPUM shall be informed.
In case of being the AEPUM the receiver, it will inform the universities, and a term will be open so that the programmes, universities or researchers interested in taking part in those promotion or training calls, initiatives or projects can contact the entity arranging the invitation or proposal. In any case, it will be given information about the condition and terms to participate through the AEPUM portal..
* Adoración Holgado informs that the Work Seminar will take place in Salamanca, in October, and she encourages the attendees to participate.
9. Motions and queries.
- Concha Bru requests
* That the persons incorporating the Meeting should introduce themselves.
* She asks for the partners’ collaboration in case they have a contact in the Ministry or in any other institution that could speed up the paperwork.
- Carmen Palmero, requests
* Sending to the e-mail address cpalmero@ubu.es the contact telephones and the e-mail addresses of all the Managers and those accountable for any type of responsibility in relation to the Programme who wish to receive information about the AEPUM, especially scientific Meetings and calls of Meetings and Acts.
* When resigning the charge, that member should report to that same e-mail address the name and contact e-mail of the new accountable, and this one has to be informed about his/her obligation of sending his/her appointment, and about the rest of commitments acquired with the AEPUM – annual credit of the quote, attending the Meetings, sending of data devoted to statistics requested by the web maintainer, ...
* Who substitutes a representative in the Meeting, will always have to deliver a paper from the Vice-chancellor, valid only for that day and act.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 22.15 hours, which I, as a Secretary, attest.
Carmen Palmero Camara Vº Bº Concha Bru Ronda
AEPUM Secretary AEPUM President