



1. Preparation of the assembly

2. Reports of:

            a. The President

            b. Treasury

            c. Carried-out activities

3. Motion and queries


Attendance list:

  • Alicante, Mrs Concepción Bru Ronda
  • Girona, Mr Josep Torrellas Vendrell
  • Granada, Mr Pedro Cano Olivares
  • Pontifical of Salamanca, Mrs Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez
  • Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona), Mr Josep M. Sabaté Bosch
  • Lleida, Mrs Neus Vila Rubio
  • Santiago, Mr Antonio Rodríguez Martínez
  • Complutense of Madrid, Mr Marcos Roca Sierra
  • Murcia, Manuel Hernández Pedreño


Other people invited:

  • Pontifical of Salamanca, Mª Teresa Ramos Bernal


1. Reading and approval of the previous session Act.

The assembly starts with the unanimously approval of the previous session Act, corresponding to the 16th of December 2008 and celebrated in Badajoz.


2 and 3. Assembly preparation and reports.


A- About the AEPUM President

1.- Meeting with the State Secretary of Universities and the General Director of Universities.

Antonio Rodríguez reports that in the meeting held in the “Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones” of Badajoz on the 18th December 2008, with the General Director of Universities (Felipe Prétiz Calvo) and the State Secretary of Universities (Màrius Rubiralta). They were handed a dossier about AEPUM.

In that meeting they were informed about the need of resuming the dialogue channels that the association used to have with the Ministry. It was also discussed about the way in which the University Programmes for Older Adults will take place within the law.

2.- Commission of Continuous Training

As a result of that meeting, the AEPUM's President received a notification from the Ministry of Science and Innovation, to become a part of the Continuous Training Commission.

Meetings of the Commission of Continuous Training:

  • 1st of April 2009
  • 17th of June 2009
  • 9th of July 2009


The objective of the Commission is to elaborate a document for the Ministry gathering the possible regulation of validation, confirmation and acknowledgement of the non-official Education (including the University Programmes for Older Adults) and the justifications of the need for Continuous Training.

Working from the decree of 45 years or older.

AEPUM is in the Group of justification of the need for Continuous Training.


3.- Interview with representatives from the IMSERSO

On the 4th February 2009, at the instances implemented from the AEPUM, the meeting in Madrid took place.

On the part of the IMSERSO attended: Pilar Rodríguez, General Director of the IMSERSO, Antonio Martínez Maroto, Chief of the Area of the Gerontologic Plan, Mrs Aguado.

On the part of the AEPUM attended: Antonio Rodríguez, Concha Bru, Marcos Roca and Mª Adoración Holgado.

The AEPUM President delivered a dossier with the information summarised about the AEPUM (aims, universities, works, web...) and a copy of the Protocol signed in 2006 between IMSERSO and AEPUM.

Following the lines of the agreement, there were made some proposals, such as: the creation of a credit line for the exchange and mobility among the university programmes within the national and international area, sponsorships of schools or summer courses for alumni of the programmes, to keep on supporting the celebration of national meetings and work seminars. The IMSERSO is informed that the next national meeting will take place in 2010 in Lleida.

The General Director expresses her interest in keeping on collaborating in the AEPUM, but she informs about the budgets cutbacks that the IMSERSO bears.


4.-Invitation to the III State Congress of Older Adults, celebrated in Madrid, from the 18th to the 20th May 2009.

Antonio Rodríguez reports that he received the invitation to attend the III Congress. Also, Adoración Holgado indicates that she was invited to attend the closure.

Marcos Roca attended on the behalf of the AEPUM, who did not remark anything of interest for the university programmes.


5.-National Confederation of Federations and Students and Alumni Associations of the university programmes for Older Adults (CAUM).

The CAUM managers arranged an interview with the General Director of Universities, Felipe Prétiz Calvo.

Antonio Rodríguez reports that the CAUM invited the AEPUM to attend the meeting the past 15th April 2009.

Marcos Roca was previously with Rafaela Muñoz, CAUM President, and he reviewed the document that the CAUM delivered to the General Director of Universities.


6.- Application for the interview with the AEPUM of the new president of CAUMAS (State Confederation of Associations and Students and Alumni Associations of University Programmes for Older Adults)

Antonio Rodríguez informs that he was invited to participate in the VII Conferences of Associationism celebrated in Granada from the 14th to 16th May 2009.

Argente del Castillo attended and took part in it.

In the CAUM Meeting, celebrated in Granada, has been a change of President and of the name of the Confederation.

Felipe Martín Moreno, from the Students Association of VA-UPSA, the new Confederation President, will be interviewed with Antonio during July in Santiago to present and suggest possible collaborations with the AEPUM.


B) Treasury:

- Manuel Hernández Pedreño, AEPUM Treasurer, informs about the state of accounts, manifesting his satisfaction due to the 18.752,25 € available.

All the universities are in arrears with the payment of the quotas previous to 2009, except:

-   two universities that owes the quote since their subscription: European University Miguel de Cervantes, Valladolid, and Public University of Navarra.


Adoración Holgado informs that the European University Miguel de Cervantes has sent a writing informing about its decision of unsubscribing from the AEPUM. Unsubscription accepted.

The Public University of Navarra will be insisted on to pay or to unsubscribe from the Association.

- The University of Oviedo owes since 2008 because it has not facilitated the AEPUM tax data to be able to design its bill. The University will be insisted on to contact to facilitate the required data.

- There are 16 universities with outstanding payment of the 2009 quote.

It is reminded that, at the beginning of September, Manuel Hernández will send a payment reminder to the universities that had not credited the 2009 quote.


Due to the money available in the AEPUM, it has been decided to present to the Meeting to approve:

* Financing the Meeting in Lleida with 3000 € (instead of 1.000€, which were approved in the previous meeting, celebrated in Burgos).


* Financing from AEPUM the one night’s accommodation per representative from a partner of the AEPUM university attending the annual Meeting.

Both proposals will be presented to its approval in the 7th point (other subjects of interest) of the assembly's agenda.


4. Report of the work Commissions

Antonio Rodríguez gives way to the coordinators of the work commissions to inform.

- 1: Commission Educative Innovation and Methodologies: Neus Vila reports that, after the Seminar in Badajoz, Adoración Holgado and herself made a worksheet of innovation. It was sent to the Seminar participants to answer it and be able to use it as a draft for the rest of the AEPUM. Only a few universities answered it.

In the Meeting, it has been approved to send the worksheet of innovation to all the AEPUM partners, along with a brief explanation about the same.

- 2: Creation of a newsletter of the Association: Pedro Cano and Josep Torrellas inform that they have elaborated a draft about the bulletin: type, structure, content, extension … which will have to be approved in the Assembly, as well as the budget and when it will appear in the number 1.

- 3: Communication, dissemination and social projection: Concha Bru reports that within fifteen days she will be presenting an accompanying booklet about the AEPUM to the Management Board:  universities that compose it, registration in the Association, number of students...

She also informs that she will represent the AEPUM and present an announcement about the Association in the III Congress in Costa Rica that will be celebrated from the 5th to the 7th August 2009.

Some of the objectives of her participation will be to make the AEPUM known, to explain the philosophy of the Association, to establish relationships with other programmes, and to initiate relationships of internationalization of the AEPUM:

Marcos Roca informs that he will also attend the Congress.


- 4: Monitoring and Updating of the Programmes: Concha Bru reports that she, along with Adoración Holgado, has elaborated a basic worksheet of data updating and asks all the attendants to be assembled before the Assembly so that Antonio López, a collaborator specialist of the UA, can explain them the worksheet.


5. Ratification and Admission of new Partners

It is reported that only the UIB has applied its incorporation to the Spanish National Association for University Programmes for Older Adults presenting the required documentation.

They have also applied for information about the required documentation to become part of the AEPUM the universities: Pedro Olavide of Sevilla, A Coruña, UNED and Cádiz, among others.


6. XI National Meeting.

Neus Vila informs about different aspects of the arrangement of the XI Meeting that she has elaborated along with her collaboration team of the University of Lleida:

  • Title: Evaluation and quality of the university programmes for older adults. Processes, applications and purposes.
  • Dates: Wednesday 26th, Thursday 27th and Friday 28th May 2010.
  • Organising: University of Lleida and AEPUM.
  • Scientific Committee: AEPUM Management Boards and University of Burgos, organiser of the X Meeting.
  • Quote: Around 125-150 € 
  • Participants: 500 attendees planned at most
  • Students: 10 students per university
  • Publication: CD
  • First newsletter: End of July
  • Delivering of summaries deadline: 15th November 2009.
  • Delivering of announcements deadline: 15th March 2010.
  • Meeting structure:
    • Day 26th in the afternoon: institutional inauguration and inauguration conference. Contact Rosa Regás.
    • Day 27th in the morning: Announcement presentation, a talk about evaluation and quality, (contact Gaspar Roselló) and round table.
    • Day 27th in the afternoon: Panel of experts (contact ANECA, expert on this topic: Adoración Holgado suggests Alfredo Jiménez Eguizábal,…). From the 18.00 hours, the AEPUM Meeting will be celebrated.
    • Day 28th in the morning: presentation of announcements, talk and closing of the XI Meeting.


Neus Vila indicates that she will be informing the Management Board, and that she will reckon with professors from her university in the talks, round table and panel.

Josep Torrellas suggests making a round table about the evaluation in which the representatives of the programmes can participate.

Concha Bru answers that it has already done in other meetings and suggests taking into account the collaboration of other experts.

Josep Mª Sabaté insists that in the round table or in the panel it should be count on a representative of the students.

Adoración Holgado indicates that students have always taken part into the Meetings and that it could be analysed in what way, in what moment and who can participate as representative of the students.



4. Motions and queries

It is informed that the University Ramón Llull will propose the AEPUM to arrange a seminar in November 2010.


There being no further business, the meeting is adjourned at 23.10 hours.


Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez, AEPUM Secretary