XI Meeting of the State Association of the University Programmes for Older Adults – Madrid UNED
- Reading and approval, if applicable, of the previous session Act.
- Reports about the activities carried out since the last Meeting, celebrated in Alicante on 28th June 2011
2.1.- Presidency
2.2.- Secretariat
2.3.- Treasury
3. Ratification and Admission of new partners
4. Report about Work Commissions.
5. Elections as prescribed in the article 19 and 20 of the statutes of 4 vocals.
The stakeholders will have to send a writing to the AEPUM Secretariat with the support of their university attesting the condition.
Article 20. The charges of the Management Board members will be non-remunerated, their mandate will have a duration of 4 years, renewing half of it every 2 years, and they will be eligible for re-election 2 consecutive mandates at most (never more than 8 years).The first renovation of half of the members elected will be carried out after two years since the constitution of the Association.
6. Proposal of creation of annual Awards or Academic Distinctions to the best research works accomplished about topics regarding the objectives and interests developed from the AEPUM.
7. XIII National Meeting of University Programmes for Older Adults. University of Valencia, June 2013.
8. Management issues.
9. Motions and queries.
Representatives attending
- University of Alicante
- University of A Coruña
- Autonomic University of Barcelona
- University of Burgos
- University Complutense of Madrid
- University of Extremadura
- University of Girona
- University of Granada
- University Jaime I of Castellón
- University of La Rioja
- University of Las Palmas of Gran Canarias
- University of Lleida
- University of Valencia Nau Gran
- Pontifical University of Salamanca
- University Ramón LLull of Barcelona
- University Rovira y Virgili of Tarragona
- University of Santiago
- University of Sevilla
- University of les Illes Balears
- University of Valladolid
- Polytechnic University of Valencia
Members that excused their absence
- University of Salamanca
- University of Deusto
Members that did not attend nor excused their absence
- University of Almería
- Autonomic University of Madrid
- University of Cádiz
- University Carlos III of Madrid
- University of Castilla La Mancha
- Catholic University of Ávila
- University of Córdoba
- University of Huelva
- University of La Laguna
- University of León
- University of Málaga
- University of Murcia
- University of Oviedo
- Polytechnic University of Cartagena
- Pontifical University of Comillas. Madrid
- Public University of Navarra
- University San Pablo CEU
- National University of Distance Education -UNED-
- University of Vigo
- University Miguel Hernández of Elche
Universities, Authorities and Specialists invited
1. University of Burgos, M. Isabel Luis Rico
2. University of Burgos, Tamara de la Torre Cruz
3. University of Valencia, Leonor Tortajada
4. University of Granada, Juan Carlos Maroto
5. University of Valladolid, Carmen Serrano Vázquez
The session is presided by Mrs President, Concepción Bru Ronda, who welcomes the attendees and justifies the absence of the Treasurer, Xavier Lorente, who, due to technical issues, incorporated afterwards. Next, she gives way to the AGENDA.
1. Reading and approval, if applicable, of the previous session Act.
Agreement: It is unanimously approved after incorporating in page number 2 that Mr Sergi Arena belongs to the Autonomic University of Bacelona. It is also incorporated in the Secretariat Report that Mr José Antonio Pérez López is the director of the Programme of the Autonomic University of Madrid.
2. Reports about the activities carried out since the last Meeting, celebrated in Alicante on 28th June 2011
2.1.- Presidency–appearing in Annex-
2.2.- Secretariat- appearing in Annex -
2.3.- Treasury- appearing in Annex -
Agreement: To send a writing to the IMSERSO insisting on their interest in holding a meeting with the Management Director.
3. Ratification and Admission of new partners.
As a consequence of the work previous to the coordination among the universities of the Valencian Community, and, as prescribed in the Secretariat report, the universities Miguel Hernández of Elche and Polytechnic of Valencia apply for their integration in the AEPUM, and they present the correspondent documentation, being thus accepted by the Management Board.
Agreement:. To ratify their admission unanimously as number partner universities.
4. Informe de las Comisiones de Trabajo.
4.1.- Concha Bru – University of Alicante- informs that all the information received in the AEPUM has been sent systematically to the university partners.
Due to the large numbers of entries in the website, it is necessary to keep the data updated.
* To apply for the data update in the AEPUM according to the following calendar:
- January: request of update
- March: sending of the provisional data received by the universities, urging the ones that have not sent them.
- June: sending of the definitive report
4.2.- Mª Pilar García and Santiago Cabedo –University of A Coruña and Jaume I of Castellón- inform about the European calls related to the Permanent Learning Programmes and the importance of participating, both individually or as part of the AEPUM.
Agreement: Pilar García will send a writing with the fundamental aspects of the calls (appearing in the Annex).
4.3.- Xavier Lorente and José Mª Roa –University Ramón Llull of Barcelona and University of Granada- inform about the carrying out of two Newsletter issues, the mean of communication between partners, and they apply for the sending of ideas for the elaboration of possible monographic issues or activities being accomplished that they are willing to make known. The following issue will be devoted, to a considerable extent, to disseminate the XIII Meeting, which will take place in June 2012 in Valencia.
5. Elections as prescribed in the article 19 and 20 of the statutes of 4 vocals. The stakeholders will have to send a writing to the AEPUM Secretariat with the support of their university attesting the condition.
The universities that have to be replaced in the Management Board after having expired their maximum term of permanency of 2 periods of 4 years, are:
- Girona
- Granada
- Complutense of Madrid
- The University of Lleida postulates to continue after having accomplished only a period of four years.
Agreement: To admit as vocals the proposal of the following universities:
- Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona
- Las Palmas of Gran Canaria
- Nau Gran of Valencia
- Lleida
6. Proposal of creation of annual Awards or Academic Distinctions to the best research works accomplished about topics regarding the objectives and interests developed from the AEPUM.
Agreement: To approve the creation of a Commission establishing a draft with the basis of the call of Awards and Distinctions that in no case will reckon with economic remuneration. Te draft will be sent to the partners to add suggestions or modifications before it is approved in the Management Board. Afterwards, the bases will be ratified by the Meeting.
7. XIII National Meeting of University Programmes for Older Adults. University of Valencia, June 2013.
Cristina Civera takes the floor to present the work accomplished in the organisation of the next Meeting. The web aepum13.uv.es presents.
8. Management issues
Adoración Holgado –Pontifical University of Salamanca – presents a paper applying for the arrangement of a Seminar with the slogan ‘Achievements and challenges of PUMs’ at some point in the month of April, on the occasion of the celebration of the 20 years old of the University of the Experience in that university. The proposal of arrangement is approved.
9. Motions and queries
- Concha Bru implements two motions:
* She requests the persons incorporating the Meeting to present themselves.
Ana Muñoz –Polytechnic of Valencia-
Isabel Miró -Rovira i Virgili-
Lucas Pérez -Las Palmas of Gran Canarias-
Juan Carlos Maroto –Granada-
* She asks for the partners’ collaboration to make the Association dynamic by means of the possible initiatives or personal contacts at the level of public institutions.
- Carmen Palmero
She asks for the sending of the appointments every time that every change in the accountable for the Programmes takes place in the university, and she recalls that, even if the University has more than one Programme, it can only have a representative with the right to speak and to vote in the Meeting. However, they can in fact attend as invited members, and who replaces a representative in the Meeting will have to hand a paper by the rector valid for that act alone.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 22.15 hours, which I, as a Secretary, attest.
Signed, Carmen Palmero Camara Vº Bº Concha Bru Ronda
AEPUM Secretary AEPUM President