X National Conferences on Associationism in the University Programs for Older Adults
The University of Valladolid will hold the X NATIONAL CONFERENCES ON ASSOCIATIONISM IN THE UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS FOR OLDER ADULTS from the 26th to the 29th of October 2011.
The aim of these conferences is to analyze and show the different problems found in the Associations of Students of the University Programs for Older Adults and try to find solutions together.
The main subject of debate will be the Student’s Article of Association that offers many possibilities but also generates uncertainty.
The opening ceremony of the X National Conferences, guided by Mr Marcos Sacristán Represa, Rector of the University of Valladolid, will take place next Wednesday at the University’s Paraninfo. Several authorities involved in older adults’ education will be present, such as the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Education, Mr Mario Bedera Bravo; the Director General of the Imserso, Ms Purificación Causapié; the Director General of the Universities of the Committee of Castilla and León, Mr Ángel de los Ríos Rodicio.