X Meeting of the State Association of the University Programmes for Older Adults - Alicante
- Reading and approval, if applicable, of the previous session Act.
- Reports about the activities carried out since the last Meeting, celebrated in Lleida on 27th May 2010
2.1.- Presidency
2.2.- Secretariat
2.3.- Treasury
- Ratification and Admission of new partners.
- Report about Work Commissions
- Motions and queries.
Attendance list and signatures (Annex)
Representatives attending:
- University of Burgos
- University Pontificia of Comillas
- University of Valencia Nau Gran
- University of A Coruña
- University Complutense
- University of Extremadura
- University Rovira i Virgili Tarragona
- University of Santiago
- University of las Palmas of Gran Canaria
- University of Sevilla
- University Autónoma of Barcelona
- University Pontificia of Salamanca
- University of Girona
- University Jaume I, Castellón
- University Ramón Llull Barcelona
- University of Oviedo
- University of La Laguna
- University of Lleida
- University of Granada
- University of Alicante
- University of Deusto
Members that excused their absence
- University Católica of Ávila
- University of Salamanca
- University of la Rioja
- University Carlos III
- University of León
- University of Valladolid
- Public University of Navarra
- University San Pablo Ceu
- University of Vigo
- University of Huelva
- University Autónoma of Madrid
- University of Cádiz
Members that did not attend nor excused their absence
- University of Almería
- University of Castilla- La Mancha
- University of Córdoba
- University of Málaga
- Polytechnic University of Cartagena
Universities, Authorities and Specialists invited
1. University of Burgos, M. Isabel Luis Rico
2. Official Institute of Philosophy and Literature of Madrid, Roberto Salmerón Sanz
3. Permanent University Millán Santos; Carmen Serrano Vázquez and Angélica Cabornero
4. UNED, Enriqueta De Lara
5. University of Granada, José María Roa and Pedro Cano
6. Autonomic University of Barcelona, Sergi Arenas
7. University Illes Balears, Liberto Macías
8. Pontifical University of Salamanca, Mª. Teresa Ramos
9. University Jaume I Castellón, Pilar Escuder
10. University of Murcia, Antonio Martínez Faura
Celebrated in the University of Alicante, in the Meeting Room on the 1st floor. Rectorate Building, on 28th May 2011, at 19.30 hours.
The session is presided by Mrs President, Concepción Bru Ronda, who before starting the agenda, performs a small tribute and delivers a gift to Adoración Holgado on the occasion of her retirement, and due to her invaluable contribution to the PUMs, having occupied the AEPUM Secretariat since her beginnings until 2010.
Adoración Holgado takes the floor and thanks the AEPUM for the kind gesture, and she requests that her gratitude appears in the act along with the labour carried out by María Teresa Ramos Bernal in tasks of support to the Secretariat.
Mrs President applies the Meeting for the authorisation to include a point in the Agenda regarding the constitution and integration of the Ibero-American Network RIPUAM, which is placed in point number 4.
- Reading and approval, if applicable, of the previous session Act.
- Reports about the activities carried out since the last Meeting, celebrated in Lleida on 27th May 2010
2.1.- Presidency
2.2.- Secretariat
2.3.- Treasury
- Ratification and Admission of new partners.
- Constitution and integration of the AEPUM in the Ibero-American Network RIPUAM.
- Report about Work Commissions.
- Motions and queries.
- 1. Reading and approval, if applicable, of the previous session Act.
It is approved unanimously.
It emerges the question about whether the IV Ibero-American Congress of PUMs is going to take place along with the XII Meeting of the PUMs. After the debate, they proceed to vote to decide if in 2013 will be celebrated the XII or XIII Meeting.
- Votes in favour of celebrating in 2013 the XII Meeting of PUMs: 12 votes.
- Votes in favour of celebrating in 2013 the XIII Meeting of PUMs: 6 votes.
- Abstentions: 0 votes
2. Reports about the ACTIVITIES carried out since the last Meeting, celebrated in Lleida on 27th May 2010
- Presidency –appearing in the Annex-
- Secretariats- appearing in the Annex-
- Treasury- appearing in the Annex-
3. RATIFICATION and ADMISSION of new Partners
As prescribed in the report of the Secretariats from the universities of Deusto, Huelva and Nau Gran of Valencia, they apply for their integration in the AEPUM, and they present the required documentation. The Meeting accepts the request and accepts the universities unanimously as number partner universities.
4. Constitution and integration of the AEPUM in the Ibero-American Network RIPUAM
After an intense debate, it is agreed to propose the voting for the following proposals:
- Se acepta el documento presentado a la Asamblea como un BORRADOR que contienen la declaración de intención de formar parte de la Red RIPUAM siempre que no incurra en contradicción jurídica o académica con la legislación vigente o las normas internas de cada universidad.
- La Asamblea acepta la idea de formar parte de la Red RIPUAM, pero con la necesidad de elaborar un nuevo documento en el que se reflejen las líneas generales de tal intención.
Votes in favour Proposal A: 18
Votes in favour Proposal B: 3
Abstentions: 2
5. Report of Work Commissions
Mr Cano and Mr Lorente proceed to inform about the elaboration of a Newsletter and about the need of keeping on working on the Magazine draft. The Meeting approved both work proposals.
6. Motions and queries
- Professor Neus justifies that, due to laboural issues, she could not accomplish the tasks proper to her Commission.
- Professor Cano proposes to include in the Agenda of successive Meeting calls a point named Management Issues.
- The President read a document delivered to the University of La Habana applying for arranging the next Ibero-American Congress of University Programmes for Older Adults.
- Professor Holgado asks if anybody is applying for arranging the next Seminar. The University of La Laguna, once it obtains the approval of its University, assumes to celebrate the organisation in 2012.
- Professor Pérez Serrano thanked publically the University of Alicante and the organiser entities the accomplished labour in the IV Ibero-American Congress. The Meeting joined unanimously that gratitude.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 22.15 hours, which I, as a Secretary, attest.
Carmen Palmero Camara Vº Bº Concha Bru Ronda
AEPUM Secretary AEPUM President