The University of Deusto joins AEPUM

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The University of Deusto, through the Institute of Leisure Studies of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, became part of the Spanish National Association of University Programmes for Older Adults (AEPUM) in June 2011.

This centenarian university started in the mid-90's its first leisure training programme which has led us, in a process of constant innovation, to have five active programmes nowadays. 

We can highlight in the academic year 1999-2000 the own title of University Degree in Culture and Solidarity which started to be taught being focused to any person with cultural preoccupation, regardless of their age, studies or previous experience, who wants to follow a process of organized training. The Programme is a new way of studying at the University, adapted to your time availability, which facilitates the approach to a wide range of topics. It improves openness to change and improve the everyday reality. 
The Universitary Degree offers a way to enjoy by learning subjects such as psychology, human communication, human rights, ethics, history, music, literature, great religions and cinema, among others. 
For the University of Deusto and the Institute of Leisure Studies, being part of AEPUM means to continue focusing in their objective to facilitate and promote training and cultural development of adults. For that, it will be helpful to develop and promote dialogue and communication between Universities compounding AEPUM  as well as Public Administrations and private entities that consider this National Association a reference entity. 

Access to the member file 

Pictures of some of the programme activities:

Clase en Deusto


Aula Deusto


Deusto Visita a Berlín