Socialdemographic characteristics of the older adults who take higher education courses at the UGR
Name of the project
“Socialdemographic characteristics of the older adults who take higher education courses at the UGR”. PIIISA 2012/2013.
20/02/2000 - 20/03/2000
Coordinator (Institution, Country)
Participating (Institution, Country)
Name of the notification
The general aim of the project is to show the students who have a vocation for science/research (or to wake up that vocation in them) what RESEARCH is and how it is carried out. The student participates and collaborates (using the tools learnt at his/her teaching center) in research projects supervised by scientifics (University and CSIC) who carry out innovative research of National and International recognition in different knowledge fields. It produces some collateral effects: It creates a tie between Secondary Education-University-CSIC, where children can work with enthusiasm in research projects being helped by innovative researchers. At the same time, they are getting to know the scientific, historical, natural and cultural patrimony of the city of Granada and its region. English (or other languages) will be used as the main language of the scientific community; they will have to read and write articles in English in order to complete the research. Comprehension and execution of simple and complex mathematical operations to analyze the data will also be necessary. Use of the new technologies: scientific packages, databases, online tools, etc., to achieve the scientific goals. The results must be presented in an accurate and entertaining way to be shared with other students and with the society in general. The best research works will present their results at the "2nd Congress of Introduction to the I+I in Secondary Education in Granada". Scientific creation has both an individual and a team character: each project will require team work with students from other High schools. Students will also be able to participate in spreading programs offered by the UGR and CSIC: Seminaries Palacio de la Madraza, conferences, faculties, etc. Knowledge, hard work and resposibility will be the basic values of the society but also fun. There are students who ask for knowledge and work of a higher level than it is normal at the classroom, and this project intends to meet those specific educational needs.
Related links (Website and links to the documents, publications and reports of interest)