Mr. Antonio Rodríguez Martínez, University of Santiago de Compostela
Mr. Joseph Mª Sabaté Bosch, Rovira y Virgili University of Tarragona.
Mr. Joseph Torrellas Vendrell, University of Girona.
Mrs. Adoración Holgado Sánchez, Pontifical University of Salamanca.
Mr. Manuel Hernández Pedreño., University of Murcia.
Mrs. Mª Ángeles Ruiz Colomé, Complutense University of Madrid
Not attending:
Mrs. Concepción Argente del Castillo Ocaña, University of Granada.
Mr. Antonio López Ontiveros, University of Córdoba.
Mrs. Concepción Bru Ronda, University of Alicante.
Members of the new Board of Directors and positions:
- President: Santiago de Compostela (Antonio Rodríguez Martínez)
- Members:
- Alicante, continues from 2004 (Concepción Bru Ronda)
- Murcia, continues from 2006 (Manuel Hernández Pedreño)
- Córdoba, continues from 2004 (Antonio López Ontiveros)
- Girona, continues from 2004 (Joseph Torrellas Vendrell)
- Granada, continues from 2004 (Concepción Argente del Castillo Ocaña)
- Pontifical of Salamanca, renews since 2006 (Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez)
- Rovira y Virgili (Tarragona), renews since 2006 (Joseph Mª Sabaté Bosch)
- Complutense of Madrid, renews since 2006 (Mª Ángeles Ruiz Colomé)
- Appointed positions:
- Treasury: Murcia, renews since 2006 (Manuel Hernández Pedreño)
- Secretariat: Pontifical of Salamanca, renews since 2006 (Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez)
Measures yet to be implemented
Other initiatives addressed by the Board of Directors to inform and request the recognition and regulation of these programmes in the ULE:
- Interview with CRUE (Spanish Universities Chancellors Association), to request institutional support to universities.
- Interview with the Education representatives in the Congress and Senate.
- Interviews with the Education spokespersons of the different political parties.
- Support request to our programmes: Associations, regional federations and National Confederation of Associations of students and former students of University Programmes for Older Adults and the Spanish National Council of Seniors.
- Development of a draft of the Association Internal Regulations. Mrs. Mª Ángeles Ruiz Colomé, Board member since 2006 and representative of the Complutense University in Madrid, volunteers to draft it.
The sitting was closed at 18.30.