Seniors Learning with Apps


Name of the Project

Seniors Learning with Apps    


01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015   

Coordinating Institution, Country

  • Friedrich-Alexander Erlangen-Nürnberg University (Germany)     

Participating Institutions, Countries

  • Universitat Jaume I (Spain)
  • E-SENIORS Association (France)
  • Grupul pentru Integrare Europeana (Romania)    

Name of the call

Centralized LifeLong Learning Programme Grundtvig


The project has two main objectives  a) Design, development and long-term implementation of a mobile Training environment (Seniors learning Apps) for ICT-competence development: Seniors will become active and competent ICT users  b) Research and Innovation on innovative technology-based training concepts for heterogeneous target groups.        


SenApp develops learning apps in 4 countries for seniors to learn how to go online, to support them effectively and individually to become competent ICT users. It focuses on the need for inclusion of senior citizens in Europe, who are still being very under-represented when it comes to competent and self-directed use of ICT. The digital separation still concerns, to a major extent, the older population. The goal is to develop and implement a App-based training approach motivating and supporting senior citizens to engage to the digital society by accessing the digital world with the popular, less expensive and easy to handle tablet-computers (IOS and Android system). The project aims at optimally supporting seniors in the process of accessing and being part of the information and knowledge society, by applying the well-proven formula of using ICT as a learning medium as well as a learning content. SenApp will develop a non-formal, flexible and accessible App-based ICT qualification course that matches the very specific needs of this highly heterogeneous target group. Furthermore, the use of eLearning as a training module will support flexibility of content and learning schedule, which is a fundamental requirement of training offers for this large and much diversified group.   With this purpose, the project will develop a) a mobile learning environment dedicated to tablet-computers , b) develop 25 learning units conceived and tailored to the learning needs of seniors in four European countries. In order to cope with the diverse impairments and disabilities of seniors, special attention will be given to multimedia-enriched didactical elements: Videos, screencasts and interactive exercises. The segmentation of the content will be adapted to the seniors' learning pace and attention span. The modular course concept makes it possible to choose and aggregate a variable number of learning units into one course to respect prior knowledge and preferences.     

Related links (Website and links to documents, publications and reviews of interest)