Secretary General of Social Policy and Consumer presents the "White Paper on Active Ageing", basis for future senior policies

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The Secretary General of Social Policy and Consumption, Isabel María Martínez Lozano, has presented today at the Venue of the Institute for Older Persons and Social Services (IMSERSO) the White Paper on Active Ageing. 

It is a technical document supporting the data obtained in two surveys: one of them shows the opinions of seniors about themselves and their situation in society; the other one on the population's general opinion about seniors. 

  • It is a document made by initiative of the Spanish Government that will guide the policies aimed at improving seniors' quality of life. 
  • Public administrations, older people's associations, social agents and many experts have taken part in the creation of the White Paper.
  • The document includes more than one hundred proposals responding to the reality, wishes and expectations of older adults, from a future perspective.


Full online access to the White Paper on Active Ageing

Link to the news on the IMSERSO Website