Media Impact of the Fourth Iberoamerican Congress of Universities for Older Adults

Collection of news about the Fourth Iberoamerican Congress of Universities for Older Adults in different media.


Date Media News
01/10/2011 Madurez Activa Ten reasons to regulate the University of Experience
07/07/2011 PUCP - Press The Peruvian delegation attends the Fourth Iberoamerican Congress of Universities for Older Adults
01/07/2011 Nosotros Seniors demand legal regulation of their studies to achieve full integration at the University
30/06/2011 Universia Institutional representatives agree at the UA that the new social scene forces to meet the growing training demand of seniors
30/06/2011 University News Seniors demand legal regulation of their studies to achieve full integration at the University
30/06/2011 IMSERSO - Older site Seniors demand legal regulation of their studies to achieve full integration at the University
29/06/2011 University News   Institutional representatives agree at the UA that the new social scene forces to meet the growing training demand of seniors
29/06/2011 University News   The Graduation of the senior students of the UA closes tomorrow the Iberoamerican Congress of Universities for Older Adults
28/06/2011 University News   Leire Pajín inaugurates at the University of Alicante the Fourth Iberoamerican Congress of Universities for Older Adults
28/06/2011 Alicante Actualidad 53,6% of Spanish adults over 65 years have started a participatory activity after their retirement
28/06/2011 Diario Información Pajín advocates for keeping seniors active with the University
27/06/2011 Senda Senior The SENDA Group takes part in the Fourth Iberoamerican Congress of Universities for Older Adults
27/06/2011 Telecinco News Pajín takes part this Monday at the opening of the Fourth Iberoamerican Congress of Universities for Older Adults
27/06/2011 Las Provincias The Government is finalizing the White Paper on Ageing, an analysis of the third age
27/06/2011 Europapress Pajín affirms that senior training is a debt to pay to the generation that "has built democracy"
27/06/2011 ABC The Government is finalizing the White Paper on Ageing, an analysis of the third age 
26/06/2011 ADN Pajín inaugurates tomorrow the Fourth Iberoamerican Congress of Universities for Older Adults
26/06/2011 El Correo Pajín inaugurates tomorrow the Fourth Iberoamerican Congress of Universities for Older Adults 
19/04/2011 University News   The University of Alicante will host the Fourth Iberoamerican Congress of Universities for Older Adults chaired by the Minister of Education, Ángel Gabilondo


Logo CIUMM 2011
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