Legal Texts - National Level - Spain
All texts are in Spanish.
2011 - November - Lifelong learning in Spain - Ministry of Education [PDF]
2011 - November - White Paper on Active Ageing - IMSERSO [PDF] - 35 MB
- Furthermore, the reform of the Organic Law on Universities published in 2007, pins down clearly and precisely this issue. Thus, in the Preamble, it is stated that Universities “Must also meet the needs of lifelong learning and open themselves to those, irrespective of their age, who want to access to their cultural and educational offer”.
- Specially significant is the inclusion of a new paragraph (4) to the Article 42: “4. To ease the update of professional training and readaptation and the full and effective participation in cultural, economic and social life, the Government, upon a report of the Universities Council, will regulate the procedures to access university of those who accredit work or professional experience but don't have the academic qualifications required to have access. This system of access, that will grant access to every university, center or teaching, can also be invoked by those, under the conditions set down, who can't accredit that experience, but have surpassed certain age".
2006 - Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education (BOE of 4 May).
- In the university field, the Organic Law on Universities has gathered in the approaches and the memorandum says “… Society also demands lifelong learning not only in the macroeconomic and structural area, but also as a way of personal self-fulfilment…”. This aspect takes concrete form in this law when the article 1 d) states as university functions at the service of society “the broadcast of knowledge and culture through University extension and lifelong learning”.
- Furthermore, when the article 2.2 d) about autonomous university, states that it comprises “the creation and approval of investigating and lifelong learning specific teachings”. And finally, when the article 34.3 talks about the establishment of university degrees and states that “Universities can establish teaching leading to the acquisition of diplomas and own degrees, as well as lifelong learning training…”.
2001 - Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, on Universities (BOE of 24 December).
- Paragraph 1 of the Article 5 of LOE states that: “All persons must have the possibility of lifelong learning, inside or outside the educational system, with a view to acquire, update, complete and broaden their abilities, knowledge, skills, aptitudes and competences for their personal and professional development".
- The Article 9 (2) of the 1978 Constitution states that “is the duty of public authorities to promote the conditions so that freedom and integrity of groups are real and effective; remove obstacles that hinder or encumber it in its fullness and ease participation of all citizens in political, economical, cultural and social life”. Also the Article 14 of the 1978 Constitution prescribes that “All spaniards are equal before the law, without any discrimination by reason of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other conditions or personal or social circumstances”.
- Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the article 27 of the 1978 Constitution regarding to the right of education to all and the full development of personality highlight the same issue.
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