IX Meeting of the State Association of the University Programmes for Older Adults - Lleida
- Reading and approval, if applicable, of the previous session act.
- Reports about:
- The President.
- Treasury.
- Ratification and Admission of new Partners: U. of Cádiz, U. Autónoma. Barcelona and U. of A Coruña.
- Report of Work Commissions. Educative and Methodologies Innovation Commission, presentation of the draft of the Association Newsletter, communication-dissemination-social projection, monitoring-updating of the programmes and institutionalization.
- Proposals of Organisation of the IV Ibero-American Congress and 7. Proposals of Seminar for the year 2011, and for the XII National Meeting in 2012.
- Elections according the established in the article 19 and 20 of the Statutes.
- the President
- Members of the Management Board
- Motions and queries.
Attendance list: (Annex 1)
- Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Mrs Bienvenida Rodríguez
- Ramón Llull, Barcelona,Mr Xavier Lorente Guerrero
- Jaume I. Castellón, Mr Salvador Cabedo Manuel
- U. Politécnica de Cartagena, Mr Frncisco Martinez González
- Salamanca, Mrs Concepción Pedrero Muñoz (por delegación)
- Valladolid, Mrs Carmen del Valle López
- Carlos III, Mrs Luz Neira Jiménez (por delegación)
- Pontificia de Comillas, Mrs Isabel Romero Tabares
- Granada, Mrs Concepción Argente del Castillo Ocaña
- Extremadura, Mr Florentino Blázquez Entonado
- Autónma de Barcelona, Mr Sergi Arenas (por delegación)
- Cádiz, Mrs Mercedes Ruiz Carreira
- Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona), Mr Josep M. Sabaté Bosch
- La Laguna, Mr José Arnay Puerta
- Burgos, Mrs Carmen Palmero Cámara
- A Coruña, Mrs Pilar García de la Torre
- Lleida, Mrs Neus Vila Rubio
- UNED, Mrs Gloria Perez Serrano
- Alicante, Mrs Concepción Bru Ronda
- Murcia, Mr Manuel Hernández Pedreño
- Santiago, Mr Antonio Rodríguez Martínez
- Pontificia de Salamanca, Mrs Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez
Attendance without representation: (They did not present a Delegation’s written paper)
- Castilla La Mancha, Mr Ismael Muñoz Mena
- La Rioja, Mrs Alicia Pérez de Albeniz
- Pública de Navarra, Mr Jesús Mª Osés Gorroiz
- Illes Balears, Mr Liberto Macías González
Members that excused their absence
- Complutense de Madrid, Mr Marcos Roca Sierra- Delegado
- Girona, Mr Josep Torrellas Vendrell
- Autónoma de Madrid, Mrs Rocío Fernández Ballesteros
- Illes Balears, Mrs Carmen Orte Socías
- San Pablo-CEU (Madrid), Mrs Cristina Alonso
Members that did not attend nor excused their absence
- Córdoba, Mr Blas Sánchez Dueñas
- León, Mrs Aurelia Álvarez Rodríguez
- Vigo, Mr Pedro Membiela Iglesia
- Oviedo, Mr Ramón Pérez Pérez
- Almería, Mr José Jesús Gazquez Linares and Mr José Guerrero Villalba
- Católica de Ávila, Mr Andrés Delgado Gil
- Málaga, Mrs. Mª Teresa Prieto Ruz and Dña. Isabel Morales Gil
- Sevilla, Mrs Rosa Mª Ávila Ruiz
Universities, Authorities and Specialists invited
- Pontificia de Salamanca, Mrs M. Teresa Ramos Bernal
- La Laguna, Mrs Nélida Rancel
- La Laguna, Mrs Inmaculada Fernández Esteban
- Jaume I, Mrs Pilar Escuder Mollón
- U. Valencia, Mrs Amparo Ayuso Moya
- U. Valencia, Mrs Cristina Civera
- U. Cantabria, Mr Miguel Ángel Sánchez Gómez
- U. Cádiz, Mrs Inmaculada Rodríguez Moreno
- U. Lleida, Mrs Ingrid Martorell
- U. Autónoma de Barcelona, Mrs Andrea Sánchez Planas
- U. A Coruña, Mr Francisco Ascón Belver
- UNED, Mrs Enriqueta de Lara Guijarra
Celebrated in the University of Lleida, in the Management Hall of the 2nd floor. Rectorate Building, on the 27th May 2010, at 18.00 hours.
The session is presided by Mr President, Antonio Rodríguez Martínez, who thanks the University of Lleida for the possibility of celebrating the Meeting, and the reception for the XI National Meeting of University Programmes of Older Adults.
Before starting the agenda, Adoración Holgado asks for the floor and, on the behalf of the Management Board, remarks our memory and gratitude to Mr Miguel Guirao, recently deceased, the creator of the Programme of Permanent Classroom of Open Training of the University of Granada, initiator and promoter of the Meetings.
1. Reading and approval of the previous meeting Act.
The session starts with the clarification of the point 7 of the last Meeting, celebrated in Alicante on 27th June 2009 about other topics of interest: Financing from the AEPUM one night’s accommodation per representative of the partner university of the AEPUM attending to the annual Meeting.
This funding refers, when it is expressly arranged, to an AEPUM meeting to celebrate the annual Meeting, that is, when it does not coincide with a Meeting, Seminar or other Event in which the universities integrating the AEPUM participate.
The act is unanimously approved including the clarification presented.
2. Reports
2.1. A) Report of the AEPUM President
Antonio Rodríguez informs about the different actions carried out:
a) Commission of Continuous Training: Antonio Rodríguez sums up that the Science and Innovation Ministry invited the AEPUM to take part in the Commission of Continuous Training, and from April 2009 it has been gathering periodically.
The objective of the Commission is to elaborate a document for the Ministry gathering the possible regulation of validation, confirmation and acknowledgement of the non official Education (including the PUMS Programmes) and the justifications of the need for Continuous Training.
El objetivo de la Comisión es elaborar un documento para el Ministerio que recoja la posible normativa de convalidación, validación y reconocimiento de la Educación no Formal (que incluya a los Programas PUMS) y la justificación de la necesidad de la Formación Continua.
The Commission is about to finish with the elaboration of a draft of the Real Decree, in which it will appear that the Proper degrees are going to have determined levels of recognition: RUCT Official Register, by the Autonomic Communities and the Preamble. It will possibly appear a text with the idea of acknowledgement of other teachings taking place in the University.
b) El Escorial: 20th, 21st y 22nd November 2009: Debate about the National Plan and Lifelong Learning, arranged from the general Direction of Professional Training (Ministry of Education). 8 people from 7 universities belonging to the AEPUM took place.
c) Córdoba, 21st-23rd April 2010: Coordination of resources for Lifelong Learning in the European countries. Concha Bru, who states that it is necessary to participate and attend this kind of events, attended. In these Conferences, she met José Mario Rodríguez Alvariño, Deputy Director of Lifelong Learning (Ministry of Education), invited to take part in the XI Meeting.
2.1.B) Report by the Treasurer
Manuel Hernández delivers an economic report in which it is detailed the money available in the Association so far (more than 16.000 €). It indicated that there are 5 universities that have not credited the 2009 quote, and one that has not credited the 2005 quote.
- He reports that he has left pending the submission of the 2010 quotes so that the new Management Board can decide if they should continue with the same fund, and that the new treasurer sent directly the payment order to each university (Depending on where the treasury is located, it can be decided if the bank should be changed or not).
3. Partner Applications Ratification and Admission of new Partners
Antonio Rodríguez reports that the Universities of the Autonomic University of Barcelona, University of Cádiz, University of A Coruña, and UNED apply for their integration in the AEPUM.
The four of them have presented the required documentation, and consequently, they have been admitted in the Association unanimously.
In total, there are already 38 universities integrating the AEPUM.
4. Report of the work Commissions
Section 2.1 Report about the President: Commission of Continuous Training
Commission of Educative Innovation
Adoración Holgado reports that the model worksheet, elaborated by her along with Neus, will be sent to the AEPUM partners to ask them to fill all the innovative activities they carry out or develop, and to send them to Neus Vila’s e-mail address.
She also reports that she will apply for information to Florentino Blázquez, organiser of the Seminar of Good practices, about the publication of the works developed during that Seminar, which will in addition include a relation of worksheets of good practices presented during the same.
Creation of an Association newsletter:
Pedro Cano, U. Granada, presented a draft about the newsletter: type, structure, contents, extension... which was approved in the Meeting, as well as the budget and the time of appearance of the #1 of that newsletter.
Josep Torrellas, U. of Girona, as an accountable for this Commission, will apply in due course for the partners’ collaboration.
Communication, dissemination and social projection:
Concha Bru informs that, before the end of December, she will present to the Management Board an accompanying booklet about the AEPUM: universities integrating it, subscribing the Association, number of students, etc.
Monitoring and Updating the Programmes:
Concha Bru reports that, between November and May, only 10 universities have been the ones that have filled in the basic worksheet of data updating.
Antonio López, collaborator Specialist of the UA, has analysed the possible difficulties that there are when filling it in.
The AEPUM members have been insisted on to fill in the basic data of the different questionnaires –worksheets of this application, because the data gathering will constitute a good tool for information, management and updating of the university Programmes for older adults.
5. Proposal of the Organisation of the IV Ibero-American Congress, XII National Meeting and Seminar for the year 2011 and Other Conferences
Antonio Rodríguez recalls that the past month of December he sent an informative letter to the AEPUM members explaining that the FIMTE (Ibero-American Network of University Educative Experiences with Older Adults) invited the AEPUM to the III Ibero-American Congress, “Universities for all the ages”, which was celebrated from the 5th to the 7th August 2009 in Costa Rica, to take part in the meeting held. Concha Bru attended on its behalf, since, due to questions regarding her work, she was in the same date in Central America. In that Congress, two topics were approached:
- resuming the proposal of constitution and the development of the Ibero-American Network of Universities for Older Adults, and
- proposal of the next venue of the IV Ibero-American Congress
Concha Bru set forth that Mexico presented a candidature to arrange the IV Congress, but that the different members of the FIMTE manifested their interest in locating in Spain the IV Ibero-American Congress of Universities for Older Adults.
Concha Bru committed to transfer the request to the AEPUM Management Board through a report to the same, and, in parallel, she prompted the agreement of actions to probe the possibility that the International University Menéndez Pelayo arranged that Congress. She also pointed out that its Chancellor, Salvador Ordóñez, had manifested on different occasions the interest of that institution to develop an event of international character with the AEPUM. Concha Bru met the UIMP Chancellor, and he confirmed his interest in the idea, and applied for the AEPUM to provide an answer.
From the AEPUM Presidency, Antonio Rodríguez remitted an informative letter to the AEPUM members, which applied for the Management Board’s support of the proposal.
In addition to the Management Board components, other five universities gave their approval.
Concha Bru sums up the two meetings that have taken place with Salvador Ordoñez, Chancellor of the UIMP, and she indicates that the definitive proposal to celebrate the IV International Congress will be from the 27th to the 30th June 2011, set in the venue of Alfaz del Pí (Extension of the Regional Venue in Valencia) of the International University Menéndez Pelayo.
Adoración Holgado proposes to the Meeting that, since in 2011 the IV Ibero-American Congress is going to be celebrated, it should be matched with the XII National Meeting, as it was done in Sevilla with the IV National and the I Ibero-American, and also, that the Seminar should be left for the year 2012.
It is unanimously approved.
Xavier Lorente, from the University Ramón Llull, recalls that the Meeting of his University presented in 2007 a Project in the Avanza Plan about Educative practices in the programmes for older adults, and as the final part of the research, it has been scheduled the presentation of the Project conclusions addressed to all the Spanish universities with university programmes for older adults.
During the previous Meeting, it was unanimously approved that the U. Ramón Llull should arrange the CONFERENCES, with the AEPUM collaboration, about New Technologies in programmes for older adults on the days 11th and 12th November 2010, in Barcelona.
Shortly, the Llull will send information about these Conferences.
6. Elections as prescribed in the article 19 and 20 of the Statutes
Antonio Rodríguez informs that, as prescribed in the Statutes, the charge of President and part of the Management Board will have to be renewed: the universities of Rovira i Virgili, Murcia, and Pontifical of Salamanca end the maximum period possible of belonging to the Management Board, and the University of Alicante leaves the charge of vocal, since it is getting out the Management Board to present for the charge of President.
Adoración Holgado reports that the requests have been received so far, with the express support of every University for:
- President: Concepción Bru Ronda , University of Alicante
- Member of the Managemente Board:
Carmen Palmero Cámara, University of Burgos, for the first time.
Xavier Lorente Guerrero, University Ramón Llull, for the first time.
Pilar García de la Torre, University of A Coruña, for the first time.
Salvador Cabedo Manuel, University Jaume I. Castellón, for the first time.
The charge of president as well as the four charges of vocals are approved by general assent.
The new Management Board is comprised by:
- President: Mrs Concepción Bru Ronda , University of Alicante
- Members:
Mr Josep Torrellas Vendrell, University of Girona.
Mrs Concepción Argente del Castillo Ocaña, University of Granada.
Mr Marcos Roca Sierra, Complutense University of Madrid.
Mrs Neus Vila Rubio, University of Lleida.
Mrs Carmen Palmero Cámara, University of Burgos.
Mr Xavier Lorente Guerrero, University Ramón Llull.
Mrs Pilar García de la Torre, University of A Coruña.
Mr Salvador Cabedo Manuel, University Jaume I. Castellón.
There being no further business, the meeting is adjourned at 19.20 hours.
Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez Antonio Rodríguez Martínez
AEPUM Secretary AEPUM President