City: Aguadulce (Almería)
Date: 18/09/2006
Organizer: University of Almería
- Delve into the analysis of the case on the senior access to university, in a socio-demographic and self-fulfilment context to improve the quality of life of seniors and active ageing.
- Meet standards and expectations with regard to seniors at international, national and autonomic level.
- Satisfy their needs, because there are many who don't want to be ruled by routine or uselessness after the termination of their working life. Rather they endevour to enrich themselves.
- Directors/coordinators of University Programmes for Older Adults.
- Students of University Programmes for Older Adults.
- Members of senior organizations and social, professional, scientific or senior-related entities.
- Representatives of Students and Alumni Associations of University Programmes for Older Adults.
Monday, 18 September 2006
16.00: Reception and collection of Documentation and Accreditations.
17.00: Opening Ceremony.
17.30: Inaugural Conference held by H.E. Mrs. Ana Mª Matute.
19.00: Visit to the University of Almería. Glass of wine.
21.30: Concert of the University of Almeria Choir in the Santa Iglesia Cathedral.
Tuesday, 19 September 2006
9.00: Presentation: Senior Access to University : A right of the people and a duty of Universities . H.E. Mr. Virgilio Zapatero Gómez.
10.30: Round Table: University Programmes nowadays, from the point of view of: politicians, directors/programme coordinators and heads of universities:
- Politicians: Mrs. Ana Pastor Julián (PP) and Mr. Carmelo López Villena (PSOE).
- Directors: Mr. José Arnay Puerta (University of La Laguna Programme and AEPUM President) and Mrs. Dª Adoración Holgado Sánchez (Interuniversity Programme of Castile-León and AEPUM Secretariat).
- Heads: Dr. Mr. David Aguilar Peña (University of Granada) and Dr. Mr. Alfredo Martínez Almécija (University of Almería).
12.00: Coffee break.
12.30: Visit to the exhibition of works from senior students of the University of Almería Programme.
14.00: Lunch.
16.00: Submission of Communications.
19.00: Presentation: Older Adults at the University, a need that results from the fact of being persons, their biographies and society development, held by Dr. Mr. Francisco Secadas Marcos.
21.00: Ninth Meeting Dinner.
After dinner: Jazz concert.
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
9.00: Presentation: The experience accrued in university programmes for older adults in order to satisfy students, teachers and universities. Presentation prepared by students of Programmes for Older Adults coordinated by Dr. Mr. Arturo Pereiro Rozas.
10.30: Round Table: Current university programmes from the students' perspective. Addressed by Dr. Mr. David Padilla Góngora with the participation of students from Programmes for Older Adults.
12.00: Coffee break.
12.30: Reading of Conclusions.
13.00: Closing event.
14.00: Lunch.
17.30: Cultural Activity.
- Academic Secretariat of the Ninth Meeting
- Technical Secretariat of the Ninth Meeting in the University of Almería - Humanities and CC Building. Education I Office of the Vice President of University Extension
- Sacramento Road, No number, Main Building Office 0.20 04120
- La Cañada de San Urbano - ALMERÍA
- Phone: 950 01 50 83 - 950 01 53 77 - 950 01 54 67
- Fax: 950 01 50 83 - 950 01 52 69
- E-mail:
- Web:
1. We note that the heads of the programmes, the students and the academic authorities present in the Meeting share a need of regulating this type of teaching.
2. This regulation must begin from the most general level, the legislative one. At present, we deal with the Organic Law on Universities' reform, so we summon the political leaders to include this in the aforesaid reform.
3. We propose the creation of a mixed Committee (educational administrations- universities) to study and propose guidelines for the regulation, on the basis of the ethos pervaded in those Programmes.
4. At the same time, we deem necessary that universities move forward in some aspects of standardization and recognition of their own Programmes, such as the recognition of the organizers and teachers, of personal and material support, etc...
1. Every legislative action that regulates University Programmes for Older Adults must consider that the priority need to meet is "educational".
2. To meet this educational need, the cooperation of different public entities as well as private ones is essential.
3. The educational administration at autonomical and state level must guarantee a stable funding of these Programmes, regardless of the fact that each university should have complementary funding methods.
1. It has been also proved that the actual level of satisfaction of students, teachers and organizers of University Programmes for Older Adults is high.
2. The involvement of students in these Programmes satisfy their needs. Not only their intellectual needs, but also optimizes their quality as persons and improves their quality of life.
3. Students require a greater organizational and methodological adaptation to their unique characteristics, as well as a greater contact with the teaching staff.