The Education for Peace Program (PEP) is a multimedia educational program created by the Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) whose purpose is to help participants explore the possibility of individual peace and discover fundamental resources such as inner strength, choice’s ability, appreciation and hope.
The program consists of 10 one-hour workshops each, with material that develops a selection of topics and which has been extracted from the Prem Rawat’s (Ambassador of Peace) conferences around the world.
Each workshop includes several videos, a reading notebook with spaces for annotation, and contemplates a period of time for reflection. The program is designed to the discovery of oneself, it is a unique experience for each person, so that no type of examination is necessary.
The program consists of 10 workshops: Workshop 1: Peace, Workshop 2: Appreciation, Workshop 3: Inner strength, Workshop 4: Consciousness, Workshop 5: Clarity, Workshop 6: Understanding, Workshop 7: Dignity, Workshop 8: Choice, Workshop 9: Hope, Workshop 10: Satisfaction.
Office of Vice President for Qualifications and Permanent Education of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Special Training Programs of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Education for Peace Association.