Multidisciplinary analysis of the instruments of protection and promotion of dependent persons


Name of the Project

Multidisciplinary analysis of the instruments of protection and promotion of dependent persons



01.01.2009 / 01.01.2013


Coordinating Organization  (Institution, Country)

UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA (MARÍA DEL CARMEN GARCÍA GARNICA, Professor of Civil Law of the University of Granada)


Participating Organization  (Institution, Country)

University of Granada


Name of the Call

Project of Investigation of Excellence of the Regional Government of Andalusia



To carry out a multidisciplinary analysis of the necessities of the persons in situation of dependence, due to their age and/or disability.



Related links (Website and links to documents, publications, interesting reviews).

  • Some results of the researching are stated in the following publications made by the research team or with their collaboration:
  • AAVV, Studies about disability and dependence. Ed. Aranzadi, 2011 (dir. García Garnica)
  • García Garnica, “Discapacidad y dependencia”, in “Tratado de Derecho de la Persona Física”, dir. GETE-ALONSO Y CALERA, Ed. Civitas, T. II, 2013.
  • AAVV, La protección de las personas mayores: apoyo familiar y prestaciones sociales. Ponencias y comunicaciones del Congreso Internacional “La Protección de las Personas Mayores”, celebrated from 7th  to 9th  of October 2009 in Córdoba, Ed. Instituto de Derecho y Análisis del Derecho de Familia in Spain, 2009, ISBN 978-84-613-5121-3