Going for a walk through the Internet: Information Technology workshop

Going for a walk through the Internet: Information Technology workshop

The subject "Going for a walk through the Internet: Information Technology workshop”, taught in Classroom of Experience in the University of Huelva is "Good practice of Information Technology".

"Going for a walk through the Internet; Information Technology workshop" has been included in the section of Good Practices of ALFARED. Alfared is a forum to support and promote Information Technology education, promoted by the Department of Education, Culture and Sport, through the Secretary’s Office of Culture.

The section of Good Practices include experiences, programs, projects and interesting activities related to Information Technology training and education. Criteria of selection of good practices in Alfared are adapted to the program model MOST of UNESCO, "Management of Social Transformations". According to it, good practices should be:

  • Innovative, they develop new and creative solutions.
  • Effective, they show a positive and tangible impact on improvement.
  • Sustainable, due to their social demands, which can be maintain through time and can produce lasting effects.
  • Replicable, they can be used as a model to develop initiatives and performances in other places.

More information:

José Carlos Morillo Moreno

Universitary Library of Huelva
Area of Automation, Standardization and Technical Process