FORAGE: Forage for later life learning-building on European experience
Name of the Project
FORAGE: Forage for later life learning-building on European experience.
Call from
Lifelong Learning- GRUNDTVIG 2011- Multilateral Projects- Networks.
Organizer in Spain
“Profesor Francisco Santisteban” Head of the Intergenerational Department of the University of Córdoba.
Dates 2012-2014
Organizing Institution University of Leicester
Participating Organizations and Countries
- Bia-net Netzwek Bildung in Alter, Graz Austria
- Cyprus Adult Education Service, Nicosia Cyprus
- Vapaan sivistystyon yhteisjarjesto (Finnish Adult Education Association – FAEA) Helsinki, Finland
- 50plus Hellas, Athens, Greece
- Trebag Property & Project Management Ltd, Budapest Hungary
- Lunaria, Rome Italy
- The Elephant Learning in Diversity, Netherlands
- PRO-MED sp. Z.o.o. Gdansk, Poland
- AidLearn, Lisbon Portugal
- IMB Domicilium, Prague Czech Republic
- Asociatia Euroed, Bucharest, Rumania
- The Association for Education and Ageing, UK
- Centrum d’alsieho vzdelavania, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia
- Multidisciplinary European Research Institute (MERIG) Graz, Austria
- Slovenian University of the Third Age, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Catedra Intergeneracional Francisco Santisteban University of Cordoba, Spain
- Age Action Ireland, Dublin
- University of Leicester, Institute of Lifelong Learning, United Kingdom (Network Coordinator)
Current collaborators:
- Workers Education Association, Belfast, North Ireland
- The Age Platform Europe, Brussels, Belgium
- BAGSO, Bonn, Germany
Since the first European Year of the Older Adults and of the Intergenerational Solidarity in 1993 many Pan-European exchanges, projects, training courses, seminaries, programs and nets related to permanent learning have been developed. Its number increased significantly with the creation of the Grundtvig Program that promotes and finances imaginative and innovative work in all Europe.
Nevertheless, maybe all these enriching experiences have not been used to its maximum to progress given that it was not possible to share the information, analysis and evaluation of the educational and active aging policies carried out, and of the obtained research data and the possibilities of creating and developing networks.
That is why FORAGE aims to be the main information source for the activities of permanent learning in Europe in order to:
- Allow a better diffusion of the Projects.
- Increase the people's opportunities with instrumental resources that will improve their knowledge and training.
- Create an archive and an access point for the EU and other iniciatives related to the disciplines that promote permanent learning.
- Provide a source of advice and information about the current programs of the EU and an access to research data sources about the value of permanent learning.
- Regularly provide information about the new political and institutional guidelines.
- Negotiate using standardized methods of compilation and diffusion of data to make comparations, analysis and comprehension easier.
- Connect the ideas on permanent learning, all projects. policies, researches and older adults' voices to promote an integrated and consistent approach for future policies and practice.
- Establish a dialogue with the main national and European politics and people in charge about new important topics and matters about permanent learning.
- Provide a lexicon of terms used in all Europe in disciplines related to permanent learning.
What we aim to do
- Create an interactive portal for each EU's country to introduce data regarding permanent learning.
- Promote the use of data for research, analysis and search by sectors, the creation of projects and looking for collaborators.
- Document, evaluate and analyze the projects of European scope and promote new ways of using the obtained results.
- Spread of the good practices.
- Promote collaboration and participation in all disciplines.
- Create ties and communication methods with other EU's relevant networks.
- Offer a forum on the Internet that allows direct participation in debates about specific topics.
- Improve the use and quality of the information obtained at the databases EVE, ADAM and EST.
- Promote debate with our three 'virtual' Pan-European seminaries and conferences, debate groups and forums. They will be published in our ninth bulletin and in our third annual report.
- Elabote reports about our work and the results.
Website of the Project
Under construction.
For further information