Fifth Vives Forum of University Programmes for Seniors
Jaume I University, 20th and 21st September
The V Vives Forum of University Programmes for Seniors aims to provide a training session for trainers focused on the digital skills of the Older Adult University Programmes (OAUPs) students, from a keynote lecture and a round table with professors and students’ experiences. Apart from analysing the older adults’ digital profile, this meeting will be devoting a second part to present the state of the second report about the Older Adult University Programmes (OAUPs) and the Interuniversity Mobility Programme ETHERIA. The Working Group will decide the next meeting’s proposal and will include, if appropriate, new actions to the Work Plan of the year 2018-2019.
Academic responsible, professors, academic management services and equivalent Senior Programmes technical units’ staff (BLOCK I)
Senior Programmes Working Group of the Vives University Network members (BLOCKS I and II)