Held on the 11th of December 2014, at 19:30 hours on second call, on the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Institute for the leisure studies, Avenue of the Universities nº 24, Deusto, classroom 153 of the University of Deusto (Bilbao) with the following
- Renovation of elected members according to the established on the article 19 and 20 of the Regulations.
- Of President
- Of Vocals
Article 20. The members of the Directive Board will be not remunerated and their mandate will have a duration of 4 years, renewing by half every 2 years, being able to be reelegible two consecutive mandates maximum (never more than 8 years). The first renovation of half of the elected members will be carried out two years from the constitution of the association.
Assisting Representatives
- University of Alicante
- University of A Coruña
- Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Autonomous University of Madrid
- University of Burgos
- University of Cantabria
- University Carlos III of Madrid
- University of Castilla La Mancha
- Catholic University of Avila
- University of Extremadura
- University of Deusto
- University of Girona
- University of La Rioja
- University of Balearic Islands
- University Jaume I of Castellon
- University Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- University of Lleida
- University of Granada
- Polytechnic University of Valencia
- University Nao Gran Valencia
- Pontific University of Salamanca
- University of Salamanca
- University of Valladolid
- University of Vigo
- University Rovira and Virgili Tarragona
- University of Huelva
Excused their assistance
- University of Leon
- University of Santiago
- University of La Laguna
- University of Seville
- University of Elche
- Polytechnic University of Cartagena
- University Ramon Llull of Barcelona
Assisting as guests
- University of A Coruña. Francisco Ascón Belver
- University of Balearic Islands. Liberto Macías González.
- University Jaume I of Castellon. Pili Escuder.
- Pontific University of Salamanca. Mª Teresa Ramos Bernal.
- University of Valladolid. Mª Mercedes Rodríguez Pequeño.
The meeting starts presided by Ms President, assisted by the members of the Directive Board, who manifests to the Board the reason that encourages her to keep on presenting herself to the reelection, and which is no other but to conclude the task that led her to present herself to the presidency: to achieve the constitutional recognition of the UPOA. Following, she introduced the only point of the
- Renovation of elected members according to the established on the article 19 and 20 of the Regulations.
- Of President
- Of Vocals
It is an indispensable requirement that the representatives of the programmes who wish to present themselves to occupy the vacancy charges deliver to the Secretary a writing support from their University, for what Ms President asks if any of the members wishes to present himself and if he counts with the mentioned writing. The Secretary has previously received the support writings from the universities of Alicante, A Coruña, Burgos, and Jaume I, delivering it at the moment the University of Extremadura.
It is proceeded on the first place to the secret voting for the President reelection, which after the recount obtains the unanimous vote of the assistants. Votes in favour: 26
Following, it is proceeded to the voting of the universities to occupy the vacant committees:
University of A Coruña – Votes in favour (23) Blank votes (2) Abstentions (1)
University of Burgos – Votes in favour (24) Blank votes (2)
University Jaume I of Castellon – Votes in favour (23) Votes against (1) Blank votes (2)
University of Extremadura – Votes in favour (23) Blank votes (2) Abstentions (1)
IT IS AGREED: That they occupy the charges during the following 4 years and on a proposal by the President, the University of A Coruña will keep on occupying the Treasury, the University of Burgos the Secretary and Jaume I and Extremadura both committees.
Everybody thanks to the assistants the trust placed on them.
The President has a few words of recollection to our dear partner Cristina Civera, who was Principal of the Programmr for Older Adults of the University Nau Gran of Valencia, sadly deceased, pointing out that she went to her burial in representation of AEPUM, and that those who came there as on the condolence emails sent on the part of the responsibles to the direction and secretary, it was manifested the affection towards Cristina and the pain of her loss.
With the applause on the part of the assistants as an homage and without further matters to deal with the session was concluded at 21:30h, of which as a Secretary I attest with the approval of the President.
Tiempo empleado: 1 hora