Experimental analysis of wrong recognition in normal and pathological aging
Name of the Project
Experimental analysis of wrong recognition in normal and pathological aging.
01/01/2014 - 31/12/2016
Coordinating Organization
University of Valencia (Spain)
Participating Organizations
University of Valencia (Spain)
Name of the Call
R+D Projects aimed at Society Challenges
The fundamental objective of the Project presented here is the experimental analysis of the validity of certain neuropsychological markers of cognitive impairment that could be used to diagnose early the onset of neurodegenerative pathology. That is a crucial aspect when, for example, starting an early and pharmacological treatment or starting cognitive rehabilitation programmes that delay its evolution. These markers include deficits in familiarity and the increase in false alarm rates in recognition tasks, which seem to be associated with the appearance of certain types of pathologies.
The fundamental objective of the Project presented here is the experimental analysis of the validity of certain neuropsychological markers of cognitive impairment that could be used to diagnose early the onset of neurodegenerative pathology. That is a crucial aspect when, for example, starting an early and pharmacological treatment or starting cognitive rehabilitation programs that delay its evolution. These markers include deficits in familiarity and the increase in false alarm rates in recognition tasks, which seem to be associated with the appearance of certain types of pathologies.
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