Eleventh National Meeting of University Programmes for Older Adults - Evaluation in University Programmes for Older Adults
Eleventh National Meeting of University Programmes for Older Adults - Evaluation on University Programmes for Older Adults
Date: 26 to 28 May 2010
Organizers: University of Lleida
Title: Evaluation and quality of university programmes for older adults: processes, applications and purposes.
City: Lleida - Municipal Auditorium and University of Lleida (Rectorat Campus and Cappont Campus).
For further information visit: www.ice.udl.cat/senior/11encuentro/
At a time when quality evaluation processes are present in every level or field of higher education (not only in our country, but also internationally) we believe that Programmes for Older Adults can't be left outside of this evaluation process. Specially, taking into account that their heterogeneity (being a richness and a prerogative in conformity with university autonomy) could become the Achilles' heel if it's not combined with quality evaluation procedures and their implementation and results. The recognition of our programmes at institutional, official and social level is the main objective pursued by the Association for a long time. In this spirit, and after the last Symposium (Badajoz, December 2008) dedicated to 'Good practices', (aspect considered very related to us), the University of Lleida and AEPUM itself proposed for the Eleventh Meeting the reflection, debate and the contribution of ideas regarding the evaluation of University Programmes for Older Adults. And by that we mean all kinds of evaluation to discuss: of students, teachers, programmes, complementary activites, etc. as well as the elements capable of evaluating. In other words, executed by teachers, institutionally, or by programme coordination or by higher authorities, etc. Consequently, communications about aspects concerning any aspect of the evaluation of University Programmes for Older Adults will be accepted. Methodologically and depending on the contributions received, we will establish the meeting groups according to the concepts of "processes", "applications" and "purposes", as the Meeting subtitle states.
- Ageing is a natural phenomenon. As we grow older, we must keep curiosity, creativity, sense of plenitude and emotional peace, avoiding anguish, fear and, above all, boredom. Our brain cells die, like all cells do, but those who stay alive specialize. That's why it is never too late to activate our hidden vocations. In spite of age we will always have the power of the brain.
- The importance of evaluation is highlighted, as well as the development of indicators that measure the efficiency of the programmes in general, and the efficiency of teaching strategies and participation and knowledge acquired by students.
- A need of combining standardized measure tools is detected, as well as designing ad hoc tools to optimize the evaluation of University Programmes for Older Adults.
- The programme general evaluation, and specifically, the teaching activities of the teaching staff shows a high degree of completion of the objectives set and the satisfaction of participants.
- The students' mobility between different universities with programmes for older adults and the use of ICT tools are presented as quality indicators.
- Stress the relevant role of actors in the quality of the programmes.
- Political need of devising measures to solve asymmetries and differences between interest groups.
- The students' profile presents in general a good educational level. They are active, have a good financial status, are increasingly involved, demand more from programmes and accept what is demanded of them from universities.
- Noting that all people should have new rights to learn and from the current situation we are living, we detect a need of a significant change in lifelong learning. From the Ministry of Education arises the "Lifelong learning" Programme, structured around eight points of action, with the national objective of having a 20% participation in 2020.
- At Universities, the Programmes for Older Adults must be read inside the general quality programmes, and the same criteria must be applied, like is done in the rest of qualifications.
- Design, development and methodology evaluation that encourage the building of knowledge, autonomous and cooperative work must be promoted with the last scientific trends implemented in official qualifications.
- By the satisfaction level generated, joint activities between seniors and young people must be developed, because they foster learning, mutual knowledge and are a useful tool to eradicate stereotypes.
- Quality Programmes for Older Adults must provide positive results, have appropriate infrastructures at their disposal, create a satisfactory working atmosphere, offer a educational process with guarantees of recognition and, above all, convey values. Their basic duties are to strengthen personal development, autonomy and participation; meet expectations by compensating imbalances and propitiate new meeting approaches. If University Programmes for Older Adults also contribute to raise our creativity and happiness, they will have met our expectations. We close the cycle of presentations as we started, stressing with Rosa Regás and the teacher Zabalza the importance of being creative at any age.
Carmen Palmero Cámara. AEPUM Secretary - University of Burgos