
EHHLSA Workshop, May 17th

Jaume I University of Castellón

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E-learning platforms allow people to attend a course virtually (also known as 'on-line'), with no distance or time limitations. This is a major advantage, since it implies that more people can access new educational opportunities.

This type of education must be designed with great care, creating materials that will allow on-line submission, as well as activities where students can participate synchronously (that is, on-demand). Furthermore, this education method lacks the ways of communication we are used to (non-verbal communication, for instance), making it harder to provide those competencies that require the students' physical presence. The case of senior students additionally demands the use of adequate teaching methods that will take into account motivation, experience and abilities.

Bearing in mind certain limitations, we wouldn't want to waste the opportunity that on-line teaching has to offer, as we know that it can be extremely beneficial (for example, in rural areas or for students with disabilities that may have difficulties accessing the courses); in addition, we can find ways to overcome these issues.

On September 2014 we launched the EHLSSA project: European Home Learning Service for Seniors Association, with the purpose of providing a framework that would enable institutions to offer their on-line courses for older adults, with adequate teaching methods and a tried and tested model that would boost education and enjoyment.

On Wednesday, May 17th, we had a multiplying event (so called by the European Union since they provide result valuation), where 41 people attended in order to find out the outcomes of the project and adopt them into their institutions, to gather the proposed methods and adapt them to their courses, and, ultimately, to offer senior students on-line courses more effectively.

The current project has been financed with the support of the European Commission.

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