

Informal Debates: café in the Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos Hall, at 3.30 p.m.

  • Wednesday, 31st of January, Ciberacoso escolar (ciberbullying): impactos y consecuencias (Cyberbullying: impacts and consequences), carried out by Dr Rubén Comas, professor of the Department of Applied Pedagogy and Educational Psychology of the UIB.
  • Tuesday, 20th of February, ¿Son cambio climático todas las exageraciones meterológicas? (All the exaggerated weather changes are part of the climate change?) carried out by Dr Agustí Jansà, retired state meteorologist and honorary collaborator of the Department of Physics of the UIB.
  • Thursday, 8th of March, La violencia de género: qué es y que no es (What is and what is not domestic violence?) carried out by Dr Victoria A. Ferrer, professor of the Department of Psychology of the UIB.
  • Monday, 9th of April, Paisaje y territorio como  referentes del turismo y la sostenibilidad de las Islas Baleares (Landscape and territory as models for the tourism and the sustainability of the Balearic Islands), carried out by Esteve Bardolet honorary collaborator of the Department of Applied Economics of the UIB.
  • Monday, 7th of May, Los límites en las decisions del paciente (Limits in the patients’ decisions) carried out by Dr Cristina Gil, professor of the Department of Private Law of the UIB.

Technical sessions: In the Sano Riera Hall

  • 8th and 9th of February: The Fourth Meeting of the Older Adults Programmes of the Vives network Universities, under the title “La metodología de los Programas Universitarios para Mayores” (The methodology of Older Adults University Programmes)
  • 26th and 27th of April: Ninth Seminar of Work of the Spanish National Association of University Programmes for Older Adults, under the title “La diversidad generacional en los Programas Universitarios para Mayores” (Generational diversity in Older Adults University Programmes).


Cycle of conferences: In the Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos Hall, at 7.15 p.m.

  • Wednesday, 14th of February, La dimension internacional del Pintor Miquel Barceló (The international dimension of the artist Miquel Barceló) carried out by Dr Mercè Gambús, professor of the Department of Historical Sciences and Art Theory of the UIB.
  • Monday 5th of March, Guillem Colom, un sabio de la naturaleza (Guillem Colom, a great connoisseur of nature) carried out by Dr Guillem Mateu professor of the Department of Biology of the UIB.
  • Monday, 16th of April, Francesc de Borja Moll: el hombre enamorado de las palabras (Francesc de Borja Moll: A man in love with words) carried out by Dr Caterina Valriu, professor of the Department of Catalan Philology and General Linguistics of the UIB.
  • Wednesday, 2nd of May, Cristòbal Serra, heterodoxia y escritura (Cristòbal Serra, heterodoxy and writing) carried out by Dr Jaume Garau, professor of the Department of Spanish, Modern and Classic Philology of the UIB.
  • Monday, 28th of May, El cerebro electrónico: qué es la inteligencia artificial y cómo está cambiando la manera en que vivimos (The electronic brain: what is artificial intelligence and how is it changing the way we live) carried out by Dr Lloan F. Huguet, professor of the Department of Mathematics and Computers of the UIB.

Round table: In the Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos Hall, at 7.15 p.m.

  • Wednesday, 16th of May, Aprender no tiene edad: el reto de la UOM (Learning has no age: UOM’s Challenge) carried out by Dr Llorenç Huget, Dr Carmen Orte, Dr M. Antònia Manassero and Dr Joana M. Seguí. Moderator: Dr Antoni Gamundí.



Theatrical performance: In the Auditorium of the Guillem Cifre Colonya Hall, at 7.30 p.m.

Tuesday, 27th of February,  Entremés de la adúltera de París (Interlude of the adulterer of Paris) performed by the UOM Group (one or more) THEATER.

Poetical and musical meeting: In the Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos Hall, at 7.15 p.m.

Wednesday, 21st of March

The showing of a film with live piano music: In the Sano Riera Hall, at 7.30 p.m.

Friday, 13th of April

Exhibition of photographs of the UOM and of the Association of Students and Alumni of the UOM (AUOM)  in order to commemorate these past 20 years. It will take place in the Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos Hall in May.


Intergenerational activity: At the university campus, at 10 a.m.

Saturday, 12th of May, Science for everyone, the students of the UOM will take part with their grandchildren in activities and scientific games.

Eight Spring Choral Festival of the Association of Students and Alumni of the UOM

From 25th to 27th of May, in the Monasterio Secar de la Real

UOM party: it will be held at the university campus from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Friday, 1st of June, Great final party with Nordic Walking Routes, A Majorcan popular dance called “baile de bot”, a fellowship meal, and the performance of De Ida y Vuelta the group of habaneras of the AUOM.

