The Healthy Walk “La Nau Gran” organised by the Vice-chancellorship of Training Policy and Educational Quality and jointly, by the University Extension Service and the Physical Education and Sports Service of the University of Valencia, took place on 4th of October in urban public spaces where people of all ages were joined together in order to share solidarity, sustainable and healthy values. The 6th Healthy Walk has become a consolidated and open to all of society summons.
This walk joins together two university spaces, starting in the Botanical Garden, walking through the bed of the Turia river and the garden centre, and ending in the Square of the “Rectorat” (Blasco Ibáñez street, 13th), where people enjoyed a healthy lunch. Once more, the 6th Healthy Walk has been an active but not competitive summons, which invites to enjoy the each other's company, the open air and the city in human rhythm.
This edition has been the most numerous compared with all the previous so far: we have had 861 inscriptions and that's the evidence that our proposal is taking root between the members of “La Nau Gran”.
In this edition ACNUR has been the beneficiary entity. The Spanish Committee of UNHCR- Association “Spain with UNHCR” (ECA) is a non profit association which is not in favour of any political or religious affiliation and is declared as public utility. Since 1993, it has supported the work of UNHCR from Spain. Its mission is to sensitize the citizens and mobilize resources to help the financing of the humanity projects that UNHCR carries out in the world in favour of more than 54 million of refugees and displaced who were under its shelter. UNHCR commits to spend the obtained savings on the campaign “Syria Emergency”.