5th Ordinary and Extraordinary Meeting of the State Association of the University Programs for Older Adults - Roquetas de Mar

Held in the Porto Magno’s Hotel, Aguadulce. Roquetas de Mar. Almería, on the 19th of September 2006. The Meeting begins at 13.45. The Secretary announces that the Extraordinary Meeting, to appoint the members of the Board of Directors, will take place after the Ordinary Meeting.
  1. Reading and passing, if appropriate, of the previous meeting’s minutes.
  2. Reports from:
    • The President.
    • The Treasury.
    • People in charge of the Working Groups
  3. Ratification and Admission of new members
  4. Passing of complementary rules in the Articles of Association regarding the appointing procedure.
  5. Seminary’s Proposals for 2007 and for the 10th Meeting in 2008.
  6. Any other business

Extraordinary Meeting

  1. Election of the members of the Board of Directors, according to the Articles 19th and 20th of the Articles of Association.
  1. Alicante, Mrs Concepción Bru Ronda
  2. Almería, Mr Carlos Asensio Grima
  3. Autónoma of Madrid, Mr Julio Iñiguez
  4. Burgos, Mrs Carmen Palmero Cámara
  5. Carlos III of Madrid, Mrs Luz Neila Jiménez
  6. Castilla-La Mancha, Mrs Mª del Carmen Utanda Higueras
  7. Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús of Ávila, Mr David Díaz Moral
  8. Complutense of Madrid, Mrs Mª De los Ángeles Ruiz Colomé
  9. Córdoba, Mr Antonio López Ontiveros
  10. Girona, Mr Josep Torrellas Vendrell
  11. Granada, Mrs Concepción Argente del Castillo Ocaña
  12. Jaume I, Mr Salvador Cabedo Manuel
  13. La Laguna, Mr José Arnay Puerta
  14. Lleida, Mrs Neus Vila Rubio
  15. Málaga, Mr Juan Sanz Sampelayo
  16. Murcia, Mr Manuel Hernández Pedreño (junio 06)
  17. Pontificia de Salamanca, Mrs Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez
  18. Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona), Mr Josep M. Sabaté Bosch
  19. Salamanca, Mr Leoncio Vega Gil
  20. Santiago, Mr Antonio Rodríguez Martínez
  21. Sevilla, Mr Manuel Velázquez Clavijo
  22. Valladolid, Mrs Mª del Carmen del Valle López

Invited Universities:

  1. Jaen, José Angel Marín Gámez
  2. Vigo, Pedro Membiela Iglesias
  3. Rioja, Mª Cruz Navarro Pérez
  4. País Vasco, Vitoria: Dña. Juncal Duran
  5. Deusto, Mrs Yolanda Lázaro Fernández
  6. Politécnica of Cartagena, Mrs Mª del Carmen Lozano Gutiérrez
Reading and passing, if appropriate, of the previous meeting’s minutes.

The meeting begins with the passing of the previous meeting’s minutes of the 19th of April 2005 held at the University of Murcia. The minutes are passed without changes.

Reports of:

A - The President of the AEPUM
José Arnay informs that the Board of Directors focused in three main objectives:

  1. Modification of the LOU
  2. Implication of the AEPUM
  3. To promote the net of communication and contact between universities.

1. Modification of the LOU
Arnay says that for now it was not possible to introduce in the LOU the changes expected but some steps forward have been given:

  • 16th of December 2005. During the carrying out of the Technical Conferences organized by the University of Alicante, and given that the State Secretary of the Universities, Mr Salvador Ordoñez, participated, José Arnay requested him to defend the modification of the Articles 34.5 and 42.5 of the LOU, that talk about the acknowledgement and the regulation of the University Programs for Older Adults, giving him in writing the suggested modification. The State Secretary says that he will defend the proposal and suggests the AEPUM to start writing a draft about the possible development of these Programs.
  • 22nd of March 2006. The document “LOU’s Modification Proposals regarding university education for older adults in the lifelong learning framework” has been sent to the State Secretary’s Office.
  • 13th of May 2006. The State Secretary informs that the document has been received and he expresses the interest of the Secretary’s Office in this demand of university education coming from the older adults. Remainder: the dialogue with the new State Secretary, representatives and other contacts must continue. The last option would be our proposal to become a Royal Decree.

2 and 3. Implication of the AEPUM and Nets of Communication

  • Website: José Arnay, showed its satisfaction with the daily and continuous updating of the Website, managed by the University of Alicante, which allows the spreading of our Association and the relationship between the universities.
  • Signing of Cooperation’s Protocol with the IMSERSO. The president of the Association informs that:
    • 2nd of December 2005: Interview with the General Director of the IMSERSO, Mr Ángel Rodríguez Castedo.
    • In March 2006: Signing of Cooperation’s Protocol between the AEPUM and the IMSERSO, which includes different cooperation’s activities. A debate is arisen about: what procedure to follow (La Laguna), what are the responsibilities accepted with this Agreement (Concha Argente), for how long, previous criteria to participate (Complutense and Girona), financing (Córdoba), that it won’t be momentary (Valladolid), who is going to make the selection (Complutense).  
      Alicante reaffirms that it is a Specific Agreement of Cooperation’s Protocol with AEPUM, and that it is in the Association’s Website for everyone to read. In the end it is suggested the reading of the document, the sending of possible criteria of participation in the Board of Directors and the call to the IMSERSO to know the date when the proposals are going to be accepted. …
  • November 2005: Attendance to the Ageing Conferences organized by the IMSERSO, in Madrid.
  • 8th-10th of May 2006: Attendance to the International Seminary on the Ageing Situation 2006 organized by the IMSERSO in Jaén.
  • 24th-26th of May 2006: Participation in the 5th Conferences organized by the State Confederation of Students of the University Programs for Older Adults, held in Madrid.

Pending activities:
Other initiatives that the Board of Directors will continue dealing with to inform and request the acknowledgement and the regulation of these Programs in the LOU:

  1. Interview with the CRUE to ask for institutional support for the universities.
  2. Interview with Education representatives in the Congress and the Senate.
  3. Interviews with the Education representatives in the different political parties.
  4. Request for support through the Older Adults’ State Council, the State Confederation of Associations of University Programs for Older Adults’ Alumni and Students, the Regional Federations and Provincial Associations of Alumni and Students of our University Programs.
  5. Writing of a draft with the possible development of these Programs.

The Universities of Murcia and Córdoba were in charge of writing the draft, Mr Antonio López Ontiveros, representative of the University of Córdoba says that because of some circumstances the University turns that responsibility down. The representative of the Complutense University offers to write the draft.

B- Treasury's Report
Francisca Pérez Llamas evaluates the Association’s economic situation: The payment of the University of Sevilla for 2005 is still pending and for 2006 there are ten universities that have not paid yet. The University Ramón Llull, whose entry in the Association still has to be ratified, has already effectuated the payment for 2005 and 2006. (APPENDIX 1)  

She also hands over all the documentation that she has because she wants to resign from her charge of treasurer and member of the Board of Directors, given that she is not running the older adults’ program in her university anymore and the university has already appointed another representative to attend to the Meetings. 

At 14,45 the meeting is adjourned until 16,00

Ratification of new members

  • The entry of the University of Extremadura in the Association with Mr Blázquez Entonado as its representative is ratified.
  • The European University Miguel de Cervantes (VA), with Carlos Belloso Martín as its representative, is accepted.
  • Mr Xavier Lorente Guerrero, representative of the University Ramón Llull (Barcelona) is informed that his request is pending until the Program begins in his University, given that the Articles of Association specify that to be a member the University MUST HAVE an Older Adults’ Program and the University Ramón Llull has not began with its Program yet.

Passing of complementary rules in the Articles of Association regarding the appointing procedure.
The Secretary reads the Articles 19th and 20th of the Articles of Association about the renewal of the Board of Directors and deals with the next point.

Extraordinary meeting.

1- Election of the members of the Board of Directors, according to the Articles 19th and 20th of the Articles of Association.
José Arnay resigns giving the problems in his University. He thinks that this is the best way of helping the AEPUM: He thanks the universities and the Board of Directors for their cooperation and support and clarifies that he will continue participating and cooperating with the Association. The Secretary, Adoración Holgado informs that, according to the Articles of Association the voting to choose the President must be made apart from the voting to choose the members of the Board of Directors.

* Election of President: Adoración Holgado asks if there is any universtity that would like to present candidates. Antonio Rodríguez representative of the University of Santiago and member of the Board of Directors puts himself forward as a candidate for president with the support of his University. The voting is carried out.

Participating Universities: 22
- YES: 18
- NO: 1
- BLANK: 3

Antonio Rodríguez Martínez, thanks the attending for the trust shown by the votes and expressed his will to continue with the work that has been done until now from his position as president.

* Renewal of half of the members of the Board of Directors:

Given than we don’t have Internal Rules yet, Adoración Holgado asks about what four members of the Board of Directors will resign so that the renewal would take place. Mr Josep Mª Sabaté, from the University Rovira y Virgili, says that he will resign but he will put himself as a candidate for future elections. 

Mr Antonio Rodríguez changes from member to President  

The representative of the University of Murcia has changed and this new representative must put himself forward as a candidate again if he wishes to. 

The Secretary insists in the point that four members have to resign and asks about what four member want to continue. The Universities that will continue are:

  • Alicante
  • Córdoba
  • Girona
  • Granada

Mrs Adoración Holgado of the Pontificia of Salamanca, says that she does not mind resigning but that she won’t put herself forward as a candidate again because she understands that the idea of the Articles of Association is the renewal of members. 

The representatives of the following universities put themselves forward as candidates for the “renewal” of the Board of Directors:

  • Rovira i Virgili
  • Complutense of Madrid
  • Murcia

No other representative puts himself forward as a candidate so, by request of the new and the old president, the representative of the University Pontificia agrees to continue.

It is agreed that the Board of Directors will be made up of:

  • President: Santiago de Compostela (Antonio Rodríguez Martínez)
  • Members:
    • Alicante, continues since 2004 (Concepción Bru Ronda)
    • Córdoba, continues since 2004 (Antonio López Ontiveros)
    • Girona, continues since 2004 (Joseph Torrellas Vendrell)
    • Granada, continues since 2004 (Concepción Argente del Castillo Ocaña)
    • Murcia, renews since 2006 (Manuel Hernández Pedreño)
    • Pontificia of Salamanca, renews since 2006 (Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez)
    • Rovira y Virgili (Tarragona), renews since 2006 (Joseph Mª Sabaté Bosch)
    • Complutense of Madrid, renews since 2006 (Mª Ángeles Ruiz Colomé)

Seminary Proposal for 2007 and for the 10th Meeting in 2008.

No specific projects are presented and it is agreed for the interested universities to send their proposals to the Board of Directors.  

The meeting is adjourned at 17,30.

Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez
Secretary AEPUM

José Arnay Puerta
President AEPUM