Call of the 4th AEPUM’s Meeting
- Reading and passing, if appropiate, of the previous meeting’s minutes.
- Reports from:
- The President.
- The Secretary's Office.
- University of Alicante: Website
- Admission of new member universities/li>
- Treasury: passing, if appropiate, of the bank account, the deposit procedure and the sum of the installments.
- Appraisal of the LOE’s proposal and appropiate action.
- Any other business.
Reading of the previous minutes
Reading of the Minutes of the previous Meeting. In the attending list that appears in the minutes, Mr Xavier Llorente says that he belongs to the University Ramón Llull of Barcelona. After that modification the Minutes are accepted.
- Reports
- The President informs about the meeting with the State Secretary that took place in Madrid on the 13th of January 2005. Mrs Adoración Holgado (Secretary) and Mrs Concha Bru (Member) were also present in the meeting.
Our request was for the Ministry of Education to consider in the LOU’s reform the University Programs for Older Adults with a new dimension: lifelong learning. Mr Salvador Ordoñez asked us to send him a specific proposal and he said that it would be convenient to present that proposal through the rectors to the University Coordination’s Committee backing our request.
We have been compiling information to draft the document that we sent you last 17th of March 2005 in two documents, one long and another short. The same document was sent to the State Secretary of the Universities and Research.
Information of the procedure:
- Córdoba: : It has sent it to the Rector and also suggests to insist in including the Programs in the Statutes of the University acknowledging this teaching.
- Almería: The Rector supports the sent document
- Carlos III: The Rector is very interested in this subject and he has already sent the letter and kept a copy of it.
- León: The Document has been sent to the Office of the Vice President and it is still waiting for an answer.
- Valladolid: The Vice President has not written the letter but there is a representative, Mario Bedera, who is making a study to present a non-legislative proposal.
- Salamanca: The document has been sent to the Vice President and he expressed his intention of supporting it.
- Catholic University of Ávila: It has not received the letter but the Rector will probably support it.
- Santiago: The document has been sent to the Rector’s Office but it is still without answer
- Girona: It has the support’s letter of its Rector
- Complutense: The Vice President will meet the Rector to inform him about this.
- Alicante: The request has already been processed.
- Castilla La Mancha: The letter has been sent to the Vice President’s Office and it is being processed.
- Pontificia: The Rector has the letter and it is still waiting for an answer.
- Murcia: The Rector has the letter.
- La Laguna: The letter has been sent to the Rector’s Office.
- Granada: The Vice President was going to give an answer in this seminary. The will is to support the request but after more debate.
- Tarragona: The Rector has the letter but he does not know its situation.
José Arnay requests monitoring of the procedure in every university to make sure that the letters of the Rectors do arrive to the State’s Secretary.
- The Secretary reads the list of the representatives of the Member Universities and points out that in April they were informed about the change of representative of the Public University of Navarra, Mr Juan María Sánchez Prieto, who did not attend the Meeting.
Website: Concepción Bru informs that it is up to date so we can find information in it anytime. She asks for help to improve the website and says that she has received some suggestions that are being added. José Arnay asked for every University’s website to add a link to the Association’s Website. Concha Brú informs that the information about the existence of the website has been sent to the AIUTA and the TALIS.
He also informs that, after visiting the Website, TVE called to make a story about the AEPUM. Mª Adoración Holgado will attend as the Secretary of the State Association.
- Admission of new Universities
There are no new members. We know that there are some universities that are going to hand over the required documentation to the Secretary’s Office as soon as they have it. That will make their request formal for the next Meeting.
Treasury: passing, if appropriate, of the bank account, the deposit procedure and the sum of the installments.
Mrs Francisca Pérez Llamas informs about the conditions of La Caixa and the Banco Santander to open a current account for the AEPUM in one of those entities.
The Article 38 of the Articles of Association regarding that topic was read. The annual sum of 150 € for University remains. It was agreed to send a letter to each University with all the necessary information to make the deposit. The deposit must be done within two months after receiving the letter.
Appraisal of the LOE’s proposal and appropriate action.
José Arnay informs that the LOE’s draft that is being discussed in many different social groups includes in the motives’ exposition and in some of its articles, aspects regarding older adults and lifelong learning in a non-university level. He suggests that we, as Association, should send a letter of support to the Minister of Education for including this aspect for the non-university levels.
- Antonio López (U. of Córdoba) says that it could be dangerous and that we should keep the distance, given that that Statute refers to other educational levels and we are requesting the acknowledgement of teaching for older adults in the University.
- José Arnay says that if that letter is sent it is to show our opinion and the need for consistency in the system. The education for older adults has always been present, but the new writing matches our proposal better.
- Josep Torrellas (U. of Girona) adds that it should be reminded that if this teaching is important and is offered in other educational levels, it should also be included in the LOU.
- Antonio López, (U. of Córdoba) points out that we should think about the offers that we as Universities make, so that the programs that we offer will be university’s programs taught by the teachers, with structure, etc.
- Josep Torrellas (U. of Girona) points out that if the Universities take responsibility of those programs they will be University’s Programs. Sometimes it seems like we doubt of what we do. Let us require quality criteria.
- Concha Argente (U. of Granada) says that if other teachers can collaborate in the university, why not letting non-university teachers to collaborate in the rural venues.
- Carmen del Valle (U. of Valladolid) thinks that non-university teachers’ collaboration could bring legal problems to the University. They could collaborate in extra activities but not in the structured programs.
Any other business
- Concha Bru, informs to the Universities that signed the ANECA’s Project how it is developing. After having a meeting with the teacher Roselló who found the project to be of great value, it was decided not to give financial support to it because it does not fit in the Bachelor’s Degree, as the teacher Benjamín Suárez (Seminary’s speaker) insisted on today. Even though at the beginning Roselló considered supporting the carrying out of some Conferences to analyze this point, that support has not been confirmed up to now. The University of Alicante can and wants to hold those Conferences. Concha Brú has already talked to a person in charge from the European’s Committee, with the teacher Díez Nicolás, for the sociological study and with Salvador Ordóñez. She informs that the groups that have been made up are working in the different chapters of the Report and that Adoración Holgado, from the U. Pontificia of Salamanca, is drafting a questionnaire important for the Report.
- Adoración Holgado clarifies that it is a group of people who is drafting that questionnaire. She points out the value of that instrument that is meant to be complete using and improving the questions of previous questionnaires. That will help us to keep the Programs’ data up to date. She explains that the instrument will be used with 6 Universities first and then it will be sent to all the Universities with the data that was already compiled so that the Universities can confirm, change or complete them. She insists in the convenience of sending those questionnaires back to be able to keep complete and up-to-date information of this University teaching modality.
- Concha Zorita (U. of Almería) asks about the organization of the 9th Meeting: who chooses the topics, how is it going to be financed, who is going to organize it, etc. José Arnay suggests for a work meeting of the Association’s Board of Directors with the organizing University to be held to bring ideas for financing. The University of Almería must appoint a person who will be in charge of that meeting and we will wait for this University to summon us.
The meeting is adjourned at 18.00 of the 19th of April. |