2nd Conference on Older Adults and New Technologies – Castellón


Place: Castellón

Organized by: Universitat per a Majors - Universitat Jaume I of Castelló

Website: http://mayores-nt.uji.es

The 2nd Conference on Older Adults and New Technologies tries to further and share experiences, technology and useful tools, while we analyze in depth social realities and the social impact that arose from the effect of technological progresses in the field of older adults education.

Researches, professors and students will assume the task of specifying the technological progress and showing its progresses and advantages, as well as stating their researches and results in the field of communication.

One of the main objectives pursued on these Conferences is to promote the inclusion and participation of older adults in the field of new technologies and their full integration in the information society.

The main interesting foci in the shaping of presentations and communications are the following ones:

  • New Experiences in the use of ICT
  • Barriers in the broad field of cyberspace
  • Positive environments that promote the use of cyberspace
  • Intergenerational relationships through New Information and Communications Technologies
  • Autonomy and self-sufficiency for older adult users with information, leisure and entertainment.
  • Quality of life and new technological tools.

These Conferences are addressed to students of University Programs for Older Adults, managers, teachers and researchers, and people interested in the different fields that define our information and communication society

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