10th Meeting of the Board of Directors - Burgos

Board of Directors
Organized by
Held at the Hotel Fernán González
1. Reading and passing of the previous meeting's minutes.
2. Preparation of the assembly
3. Reports from:
A. The President.
B. The treasury.
C. Carried out activities*
4. Applications for membership
5.  Debate about the draft of Internal Rules. Suggestions  up to the   31st of October 2007.
6. Study  and development of the Agreement with the IMSERSO
7. Any other business
List of attending people
Alicante, Mrs Concepción Bru Ronda
Girona, Mr Josep  Torrellas Vendrell
Granada, Mrs Concepción Argente del Castillo Ocaña
Pontifical from Salamanca, Mrs  Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez
Santiago, Mr Antonio Rodríguez Martínez
Murcia, Mr Manuel Hernández Pedreño
Justified absence
Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona), Mr Josep M. Sabaté  Bosch
Other invited people
Córdoba, Mr Blas Sánchez Dueñas
Complutense of Madrid, Mr Marcos Roca Sierra.
Pontifical of Salamanca, Mª Teresa Ramos  Bernal
Held at the Hotel  Fernán González de Burgos, on the 6th of May2008, at 23.00.
1. Reading and passing of the previous meeting's minutes.
The meeting starts with the unanimous passing of the previous meeting's minutes from the 28th of November 2007, held at Granada.
2. Preparation of the assembly and 3. Reports 
2.1. A)  Report of the  President of AEPUM
Antonio Rodríguez,    will inform about the different activities already carried out:
-  Request for interviews with the IMSERSO and the Research Ministry
- Letter of gratitude to Mr  Quintanilla, for including the university programs for older adults in the MEC's line of research
-  Next publication of the AEPUM's Project with the publishing company Síntesis
- Website of the Association: Gratitude to the University of Alicante which pays and takes care of the domain of the page on the net and constantly updates it.
- The Faculty of Education of the University of Santiago de Chile has expressed its interest on our programs and our association(AEPUM)
2.1.B) Report of the Treasurer
Manuel Hernández hands over an economical report detailing the money that the Association has to date (11. 642, 48 €). There are 3 universities that have not paid the membership fees of 2006 and other 6 have not paid the fees of 2007.
During May the invoices for the payment of the fees of 2008 will be sent.
2.2. Membership applications
Mª Adoración Holgado informs that the Universities of Oviedo   and the Technical College of Cartagena  have requested to be members of the Association.
Both universities have presented the necessary documentation, therefore their applications will be presented at the Assembly for them to be admitted in the Association.
2.3. Approval of the AEPUM's Internal Rules.
Given that there has not been any modification, it will be presented for its definitive passing.
2.4. Election of the members of the Board of Directors:
Antonio Rodríguez informs that, according to the Articles of Association, part of the members of the Board of Directors must be renewed: - University of Alicante, University of Granada, University of Girona, University of Córdoba and University Complutense of Madrid.
Adoración Holgado informs that to date, the applications that have been received with the support of each University are the following:
Concepción Bru Ronda, University of Alicante,  renewal
Joseph Torrellas Vendrell, University of Girona, renewal
Concepción Argente del Castillo Ocaña,  University of Granada, renewal.
Marcos Roca Sierra, University Complutense of Madrid, change of representative
            Neus Vila Rubio, University of Lleida, for the first time.
This proposal, that covers the necessary positions, will be presented at the Assembly to be approved
2.5. Proposals to use the Association's money:
There was a debate on various proposals:
-          Collaboration with other institutions
-          Create an award for works presented at the conferences or meetings.
-          Travelling expenses to attend to institutional meetings of the Board.It  was decided that every University must pay the travelling expenses of its member of the Board of Directors, as it has been done up to now. 
-          Subsidize   the University that will organize the Seminary and the Meeting, for instance, paying for  the Opening/Closing Speech in National Meetings or Seminaries. It was decided to suggest the amount of 1000 € per event.
-          Contribution to create a News Bulletin or Magazine of the Association.
2.6. Other tasks:
-          Boost the Working Committees: After debating on different topics it was agreed that 5 Working Committees would be proposed at the Assembly  :
o        1.  Innovation in Education and Methodology
o        2. Creation of a News Bulletin of the Association
o        3. Communication, spread and Social Scope
o        4. Monitoring and Updating of the Programs
o        5. Institutionalization: CRUE,                                                                        
2.7.  Proposals for the Seminary 2009 and the 11th Meeting 2010
- Seminary: Adoración Holgado informs that Florentino Blázquez, director of the Program for Older Adults of the University of Extremadura  has interest in organizing the next seminary.
Possible topics for the seminary
 . Deepen in methodology
 . Training of the teaching staff to renew the methodology
 - Meeting: The University of Lleida has presented a letter requesting to organize the 11th National Meeting in 2010. The Board accepts its proposal and will inform the Assembly.
3. Any other business
Antonio Rodríguez  informs that a letter of the National Confederation of Associations of A and AA of the programs has been received. It requests attendance to the meetings of the Assemblies as invited.It is agreed that a copy of the Minutes of the Assemblies will be sent to them so that they will have accurate information.
The Authorization of the members of the AEPUM to send (by e-mail or by post) information of interest will also be requested.
The meeting is adjourned at 1.45