Universidad de Alicante

Conference - Workshop "Demythologizing Social Networks"

17/05/2012 10:00

Conference-Workshop  "Demythologizing Social Networks", by Sergio Luján Mora, Dr in Computer Science. Department of Computing Languages and Systems, UA.

Presentation: "Guide of style Journalists and Older Adults"

24/05/2012 19:00

24th of May at 19,00h at the Rafael Altamira's Hall of the University Venue of Alicante en  C/Ramón y Cajal number 4 - 03003 Alicante.


Egypt, a legendary country, by Vicente Ferrara Pascual

13/03/2012 20:15

Name of the University Program for Older Adults: Permanent University

University that organizes the Program: University of Alicante

Popular artistic expressions of our environment. The special case of Camp de Mirra and its "Tractat"


Name of the University Program for Older Adults: Permanent University

University that organizes the Program: University of Alicante

'To grow old with dignity', by Alejandro Hernández Blanco


Name of the University Program for Older Adults: Permanent University

University that organizes the Program: University of Alicante

A photographic afternoon at the old part of the town of Alicante, by Javier Serrano


Name of the University Program for Older Adults: Permanent University

University that organizes the Program: University of Alicante

Children at war. Collateral victims? by Romualdo Pérez Sánchez


Name of the University Program for Older Adults: Universidad Permanente

University that organizes the Program: University of Alicante

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