
Listado de actividades englobadas en el Año Europeo del Envejecimiento Activo realizadas por los PUPM.

Título Fecha Universidad
A photographic afternoon at the old part of the town of Alicante, by Javier Serrano 16/04/2012 Universidad de Alicante
A photographic afternoon at the old part of the town of Alicante, by Javier Serrano 16/04/2012 Universidad de Alicante
Participation in research groups 03/04/2012 Universidad de Burgos
Participation in research groups 03/04/2012 Universidad de Burgos
Intergenerational activities 02/04/2012 Universidad de Burgos
Intergenerational activities 02/04/2012 Universidad de Burgos
Language stylistic resources 31/03/2012 Universidad de Burgos
Guided visits to local, regional and national museums 31/03/2012 Universidad de Burgos
Language stylistic resources 31/03/2012 Universidad de Burgos
English culture and language. Acquisition of communication resources and sociocultural knowledgment in other linguistic areas 31/03/2012 Universidad de Burgos
Guided visits to local, regional and national museums 31/03/2012 Universidad de Burgos
English culture and language. Acquisition of communication resources and sociocultural knowledgment in other linguistic areas 31/03/2012 Universidad de Burgos
Children at war. Collateral victims? by Romualdo Pérez Sánchez 30/03/2012 Universidad de Alicante
Children at war. Collateral victims? by Romualdo Pérez Sánchez 30/03/2012 Universidad de Alicante
Egypt, a legendary country, by Vicente Ferrara Pascual 13/03/2012 Universidad de Alicante
Egypt, a legendary country, by Vicente Ferrara Pascual 13/03/2012 Universidad de Alicante
10th Anniversary. Interuniversitary Program of the Experience. A decade training older adults at the University of Burgos. 09/03/2012 Universidad de Burgos
10th Anniversary. Interuniversitary Program of the Experience. A decade training older adults at the University of Burgos. 09/03/2012 Universidad de Burgos
XVIII MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS BOARD - La Laguna 02/03/2012 Universidad de la Laguna
XVIII MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS BOARD - La Laguna 02/03/2012 Universidad de la Laguna